Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1140 Numistats ref: 647858

No match
Monedas medievales. Reinos de Castilla y León Category
Pedro I (1350-1368). Seville. Real. (AB. 380.1) (Imperatrix P1:12.46, same example). Obv.: Crowned P, dot in the center. .DNS1MIChI1ADIVTOR1ET EGO1DISP/1ICIAM1INIMICOS1MEOS. Rev.: Quartered castles and lions, S below. .PETRVS1REX1CASTELLE1E LEGIONI. Rare beginning of legend on obverse. 3,30 g. MBC. Description
MBC Grade
300 EUR Starting
- Estimate
300 EUR Realized