Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1049A Numistats ref: 647380

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Monedas romanas. Imperio romano Categoria
(355 A.D.). Constantius II. Sirmium. Solidus. (Spink 17750 var) (Co. 117 var) (RIC. missing). Obv.: FL. IV. (sic) CONSTANTIVS P. F. AVG. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, with spear over shoulder and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: GLORIA REIPVBLICAE. Roma and Constantinople seated, holding between them an inscribed shield VOT./XXX/MVLT./XXXX, in exergue SIR. (sic). Probable barbarous imitation. Nice. Very rare. 4,29 g. EBC+. Descripción
EBC+ Conservación
2000 EUR Salida
- Estimado
2000 EUR Realizado