Taifas. Fas, after the Cordoba revolution. AH 410. Mu'izz Ibn Ziri, in the name of ¿Mansur?. ¿Madinat Fas?. Dirhem. (Prieto "Suplemento" 76, same example). Rev.: C?RÅz. If the mint is really Fas, "Mansur" could be the laqab adopted by Al-Mu'izz. Almudena Ariza, on the other hand, believes that it could be Muansar ibn Muiz, and that his coin recognizing Imam 'Abd Allah could be indicative of a rebellion against the authority of his cousin al-Mu'iz ibn Ziri (quoted by David Francés and Federico Benito in MANQUSO 13, page 171). The early use of the generic term 'Abd Allah as Imam is specially interesting in this coin, since it's a probable symbolic reference to the Abbasid Caliphate. Rare. 5 g. MBC.