ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1131 Numistats ref: 527870

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CARLOS III (1759-1788). Prize of the School of Noble Arts of Sevilla. (Ae. 60.53g / 53mm). 1778. Engraver: A. de Saa. (Vives 53; RAH 317; MHE 368, same issue). Anv: Laureate bust of Carlos III with breastplate, band, mantle and collar of the fleece, around legend: CAROLUS III DG HISP REX. Rev: Personifications of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture, which raise a royal crown, around legend: TRINO RAPTA LABORE, in exergue: HISPAL A 1778. VF +. Scratch. Descripción
VF Conservación
EUR Salida
- Estimado
120 EUR Realizado