Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 430 . 1017 Numistats ref: 647669

Nero Authority
Aureus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.1(2).ner.46 RIC 46 References
Monedas romanas. Imperio romano Category
(64-65 d.C.). Nerón. Áureo. (Spink 1927) (Co. 44) (RIC. 46) (Calicó 402). Anv.: NERO CAESAR. Su cabeza laureada. Rev.: AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS. Nerón radiado en pie de frente, sosteniendo rama y globo nicéforo. Rayas. 6,91 g. (MBC-). Description
MBC- Grade
1000 EUR Starting
- Estimate
1600 EUR Realized

Roman Imperial. Nero. Aureus RIC ric.1(2).ner.46 RIC 46

Nero Authority
Aureus Denomination
- Mint
- Year
RIC ric.1(2).ner.46 RIC 46 References
NERO CAESAR Obverse Legend
Head of Nero, laureate, right, with beard Obverse Type
Nero, radiate, togate, standing front, left knee slightly bent, holding branch in right hand and Victory on globe in left Reverse Type



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