ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 356 Numistats ref: 527095

Commodus Autoridad
Denarius Denominación
- Año
RIC ric.3.com.237 RIC 237 Referencias
Roman Empire Categoria
COMMODUS. Denarius. (Ar. 2.38g / 18mm). 192 AD Rome. (RIC 237). Anv: Comfortable laureate head on the right, around legend: L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL. Rev: Victoria carrying palm and laurel wreath advancing to the left, in front of star, around legend: PM TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P. Very Fine. Descripción
very fine Conservación
EUR Salida
- Estimado
45 EUR Realizado

Roman Imperial. Commodus. Denarius RIC ric.3.com.237 RIC 237

Commodus Autoridad
Denarius Denominación
- Ceca
- Año
RIC ric.3.com.237 RIC 237 Referencias
L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL Leyenda anverso
P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P Leyenda reverso
Head of Commodus, laureate, right Tipo anverso
Victory, winged, draped, advancing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and palm, sloped over left shoulder, in left hand; in field, sometimes star Tipo reverso



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