ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 735 Numistats ref: 607852

Probus Autoridad
Antoninianus Denominación
- Año
RIC ric.5.pro.498 RIC 498 Referencias
Roman Empire Categoria
PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 3.15g/24mm). 282 AD Ticinum. (RIC 498). Obv: Radiated and armored bust of Probus left carrying eagle banner, around legend: IMP C PROBVS AVG. Rev: Salus right standing feeding a snake in his hands, in field V, in exergue: TXXI, around legend: SALVS AVG. Good Very Fine. Descripción
good very fine Conservación
25 EUR Salida
- Estimado
26 EUR Realizado

Roman Imperial. Probus. Antoninianus RIC ric.5.pro.498 RIC 498

Probus Autoridad
Antoninianus Denominación
- Ceca
- Año
RIC ric.5.pro.498 RIC 498 Referencias
IMP C PROBVS P F AVG Leyenda anverso
SALVS AVG Leyenda reverso
Bust of Probus, radiate, cuirassed, right or bust of Probus, radiate, wearing imperial mantle, left, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle in right hand Tipo anverso
Salus, draped, standing right, feeding serpent held in arms Tipo reverso



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