Roman Imperial. Constantius II. Solidus RIC ric.8.rom.229 RIC 229

Constantius II Autoridad
Solidus Denominación
- Ceca
- Año
RIC ric.8.rom.229 RIC 229 Referencias
F L IVL CONST-ANTIVS P F AVG Leyenda anverso
GLORIA - REI - PVBLICAE Leyenda reverso
Bust of Constantius II, pearl-diademed, wearing crested and diademed helmet, cuirassed, facing front, holding spear diagonally over right shoulder in right hand and shield decorated with star pattern in left hand Tipo anverso
Roma, helmeted, draped, enthroned front, and Constantinopolis, draped, enthroned left, head left, supporting a wreath inscribed VOT/XXX/MVLT/XXXX; Roma holding spear in left hand; Constantinopolis holding sceptre in left hand, her right foot on prow Tipo reverso

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