Tauler&Fau Subastas - Subasta 152 Colección Tesorillo.com Vol. I . Lote 508

Imperio Romano Category
RIC (Claudius) 99
Claudio I. Sestercio. 41-50 d.C. Roma. Imitación Hispana. (Ric-I 99). (Bmcre-124). (Tesorillo-Imit. Hispana 6, mismo ejemplar). Anv.: TI CLAVDIVS CESAR AVG (P M TR P IMP). Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: SPES AV(GVSTA). Spes avanzando hacia la izquierda, sosteniendo una flor y levantando el dobladillo de su vestido; S C en el exergo. Ae. 15,24 g. BC+/MBC-. Est...120,00. Description
MBC- Grade
60 EUR Starting
- Estimate
170 EUR Realized
AI Recommendation
To estimate a maximum purchase price for the coin in question, we can consider several factors based on the provided data:

1. Current Condition: The coin has a condition of 70 (MS-). This is an important factor, as coins in better condition tend to reach higher prices.

2. Previous Auction Prices: By observing previous auction prices for coins with similar conditions (around 70), we can see that they have varied. For example, in past auctions, coins with a condition of 70 have reached hammer prices ranging from 100 to 850 euros.

3. Average Hammer Price: The average hammer price for this coin is 882.31 euros, indicating that, in general, coins of this reference tend to sell for relatively high prices.

4. Current Starting Price: The starting price is 60 euros, which is quite low compared to the average hammer price.

5. Recent Trends: In the most recent auctions, hammer prices for coins with similar conditions have shown a range that may indicate an increase in interest or value for these coins.

Based on these factors, an estimated maximum purchase price for this coin could be in the range of 600 to 900 euros, considering that the average hammer price is 882.31 euros and that the condition is 70.

Therefore, an estimated maximum purchase price could be 800 euros.
Times Auctioned


Min (EUR)


Max (EUR)


Avg (EUR)


Sold (60.17%)
Unsold (39.83%)