Great Britain. Vernon Admiral. Medal. 22 November 1739. Porto Bello. (AC-PBvb1A). Anv.: ADMIRAL VERNON AND COMMODORE BROWN. three-quarter portraits of Vernon and Brown, legend. Rev.: TOOK PORTO BELLO WITH SIX SHIPS ONLY. Scene of the capture of Porto Bello with only six ships. Ae. 17,09 g. Unusual dotted on the intern of the obverse and made at the same time of minting, this is made with some triangular punches with pellets inside. Choice VF. Est...200,00.
Spanish Description: Gran Bretaña. Almirante Vernon. Medalla. 22 Noviembre 1739. Porto Bello. (AC-PBvb1A). Anv.: ADMIRAL VERNON AND COMMODORE BROWN. Retratos de tres cuartos de Vernon y Brown. Rev.: TOOK PORTO BELLO WITH SIX SHIPS ONLY. Escena de la toma de Porto Bello con sólo seis barcos. Ae. 17,09 g. Inusual punteado sobre en el fondo del anverso y realizado en la misma época, este está efetuado con unos punzones triangulares con puntos en su interior. MBC+. Est...200,00.