Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 265 - MAIL COIN AUCTION - 2344 Numistats ref: 399549

Probus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 202 References
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(278-280 d.C.). Probo. Antoniniano. (Spink 12038) (Co. 644) (RIC. 202). Grieta radial. 4,04 g. (MBC). Description
- Grade
9 EUR Starting
15 EUR Estimate
9 EUR Realized

Roman Imperial. Probus. Antoninianus RIC RIC 202

Probus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Mint
- Year
RIC RIC 202 References
IMP PROBVS AVG Obverse Legend
SOLI INVICTO Reverse Legend
Bust of Probus, radiate, cuirassed, right or bust of Probus, helmeted, radiate, cuirassed, left, holding spear in right hand and shield in left hand or bust of Probus, radiate, wearing imperial mantle, left, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle in right hand Obverse Type
Sol, radiate, in chariot riding left, raising right hand and holding globe and whip in left hand Reverse Type



Min (EUR)


Max (EUR)


Avg (EUR)


Sold (84.62%)
Unsold (15.38%)