Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 145 – Selection . 116 Numistats ref: 654543

Arcadius Authority
Solidus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.10.arc_e.7 RIC 7 References
Roman Imperial Category
Arcadius. Solidus. 397-402 AD. Constantinople. (Ric-X 7). (Depeyrot-55/1). Anv.: D N ARCADIVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to right, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman motif. Rev.: CONCORDIA AVGG Θ. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to right and with right foot on prow, holding sceptre and Victory on globe; CONOB in exergue. Au. 4,46 g. Graffiti on obverse. Lightly rubbed. With some original luster remaining. XF. Est...700,00.

Spanish Description: Arcadio. Sólido. 397-402 d.C. Constantinopla. (Ric-X 7). (Depeyrot-55/1). Anv.: D N ARCADIVS P F AVG. Busto con diadema de perlas, casco y con coraza, mirando ligeramente hacia la derecha, sosteniendo lanza y escudo decorado con motivo de jinete. Rev.: CONCORDIA AVGG Θ. Constantinopolis sedente de frente, mirando a la derecha y con pie derecho sobre proa, empuñando cetro y Victoria sobre globo; CONOB en exergo. Au. 4,46 g. Restos de brillo original. Graffiti en anverso. Ligeramente frotada. EBC. Est...700,00.
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EBC Grade
300 EUR Starting
700 EUR Estimate
1100 EUR Realized

Roman Imperial. Arcadius. Solidus RIC ric.10.arc_e.7 RIC 7

Arcadius Authority
Solidus Denomination
- Mint
- Year
RIC ric.10.arc_e.7 RIC 7 References
D N ARCADI-VS P F AVG Obverse Legend
CONCORDI-A AVGG Reverse Legend
Bust of Arcadius, helmeted, pearl-diademed, cuirassed, facing front, holding spear in right hand behind head and shield decorated with horseman on left arm Obverse Type
Constantinopolis, helmeted, draped, enthroned, enthroned, facing front, head right, holding sceptre in right hand and Victory on globe in left hand, right foot on prow Reverse Type



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