Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 145 – Selection . 125 Numistats ref: 654572

Honorius Authority
Solidus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.10.hon_w.1206 RIC 1206 References
Roman Imperial Category
Honorius. Solidus. 394-395 AD. Mediolanum. (Ric-IX 35c = RIC X 1206). (Depeyrot-16/2). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Emperor standing to right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, treading on captive to right; M-D across fields, COMOB in exergue. Au. 4,33 g. With some original luster remaining. XF/AU. Est...1200,00.

Spanish Description: Honorio. Sólido. 394-395 d.C. Mediolanum. (Ric-IX 35c = RIC X 1206). (Depeyrot-16/2). Anv.: D N HONORIVS P F AVG. Busto con diadema de perlas, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Emperador en pie a la derecha, sosteniendo labarum y Victoria sobre globo, pisando cautivo a la derecha; M-D en los campos, COMOB en exergo. Au. 4,33 g. Conserva restos del brillo original. EBC/EBC+. Est...1200,00.
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EBC+ Grade
600 EUR Starting
1200 EUR Estimate
1100 EUR Realized

Roman Imperial. Honorius. Solidus RIC ric.10.hon_w.1206 RIC 1206

Honorius Authority
Solidus Denomination
- Mint
- Year
RIC ric.10.hon_w.1206 RIC 1206 References
D N HONORI-VS P F AVG Obverse Legend
VICTORI-A AVGGG Reverse Legend
Bust of Honorius, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right Obverse Type
Honorius, draped, cuirassed, standing right, holding standard in right hand and Victory on globe in left hand; spurning seated bound captive with left foot Reverse Type



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