Date: 2014-05-28

# Items: 1435

Total starting: 407173

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2809 Numistats ref: 419743

No match
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1868. Isabel II. Madrid. 10 escudos. (Barrera 913 var). Falsa de época en platino. Golpecitos. MBC+. Description
- Grade
225 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
270 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2802 Numistats ref: 419750

Isabel II Authority
100 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 805 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 40 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1862. Isabel II. Sevilla. 100 reales. (Cal. 40). EBC. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
270 EUR Realized
1 Upcoming auctions
85 Past auctions
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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2941 Numistats ref: 419812

Alfonso XIII Authority
Peso Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 122 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 81 References
Centenario de la Peseta / Peseta System Category
1897. Alfonso XIII. Manila. SGV. 1 peso. (Cal. 81). Leves marquitas. Bella. Escasa así. EBC. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
270 EUR Realized
1 Upcoming auctions
227 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2093 Numistats ref: 415824

Ponç Hug IV Authority
Diner Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 100.2 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Comtat d'Empúries. Ponç Hug IV (1230-1269). Empúries. Diner. (Cru.V.S. 100.2) (Cru.C.G. 1913). 0,57 grs. Rara. MBC. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
270 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
17 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3309 Numistats ref: 420248

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
Año 4 (1871). Mutsuhito. 1 yen. (Fr. 49). AU. Bella. S/C-. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
270 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3162 Numistats ref: 419993

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
AH 1374/1955. Egipto. 1 libra. (Fr. 40). AU. EBC. Description
- Grade
225 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
275 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2633 Numistats ref: 419518

Fernando VII Authority
2 Escudos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1619 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 211 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1815. Fernando VII. Madrid. GJ/IJ. 2 escudos. (Cal. 211 var.). EBC-. Description
- Grade
275 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
275 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
5 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2951 Numistats ref: 419802

Alfonso XII Authority
25 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 71 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 6 References
Centenario de la Peseta / Peseta System Category
1878*1878. Alfonso XII. EMM. 25 pesetas. (Cal. 6). Leves marquitas. Bella. Brillo original. S/C-. Description
- Grade
275 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
275 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
128 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2942 Numistats ref: 419811

Gobierno Provisional Authority
10 Escudos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 41 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1 References
Centenario de la Peseta / Peseta System Category
1868*1873. Gobierno Provisional. Madrid. 10 escudos. (Cal. 1). A nombre de Isabel II. EBC/EBC+. Description
- Grade
225 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
275 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2115 Numistats ref: 418211

Alfons IV Authority
Florí Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 802 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Alfons IV (1416-1458). Mallorca. Florí. (Cru.V.S. 802) (Cru.C.G. 2844). 3,43 grs. Marca: perros. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
279 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
26 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2076 Numistats ref: 415941

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Ilduro (Cabrera de Mar). As. (FAB. 1438 var) (ACIP. 1348). 16,49 grs. Pátina verde. Realzada a buril. EBC-. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2455 Numistats ref: 418300

Carlos IV Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 866 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 902 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1803. Carlos IV. Santiago. FJ. 4 reales. (Cal. 902). Golpecito en canto. Rara. MBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
2 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2807 Numistats ref: 419745

Isabel II Authority
10 Escudos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 815 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 47 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1868*1868. Isabel II. Madrid. 10 escudos. (Cal. 47). Ex Coleccion Caballero de las Yndias, nº 2184. Golpecitos. Bella. EBC+. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
178 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3284 Numistats ref: 420072

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1823 Irlanda. Jorge IV. 1 penique. (Kr. 151). CU. Bella. Brillo original. Rara así. EBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2625 Numistats ref: 419526

Fernando VII Authority
2 Escudos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1578 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 180 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1812. Fernando VII. Cádiz. CI. 2 escudos. (Cal. 180). Ceca pequeña. Escasa. MBC/MBC+. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
280 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
18 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3282 Numistats ref: 420074

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
AH 1294 (1877). Nasir al-Din Shah. Tabriz. 2 krans. (Kr. 842). Defecto de cospel en canto. Bella. Rara. EBC. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3387 Numistats ref: 420170

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1814. Suiza. Lucerna. 4 francos. (Kr. 109). Rara. EBC/EBC-. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
325 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2357 Numistats ref: 418074

Carlos III Authority
2 Escudos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1570 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 458 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1787. Carlos III. Madrid. DV. 2 escudos. (Cal. 458). Pátina. Escasa. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3220 Numistats ref: 420136

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1812. Napoleón. A (París). 1 franco. (Kr. 692.1). Bella. EBC. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2872 Numistats ref: 419680

Alfonso XIII Authority
Peseta Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 53 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 38 References
Centenario de la Peseta / Peseta System Category
1891*1891. Alfonso XIII. PGM. 1 peseta. (Cal. 38). Bella. Bonita pátina. Escasa así. EBC. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
105 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price