Date: 2014-05-28

# Items: 1435

Total starting: 407173

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3405 Numistats ref: 420288

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1939. Suiza. B (Berna). 5 francos. (Kr. 42). 600 Aniversario de la Batalla de Laupen. Rara. S/C-. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2798 Numistats ref: 419553

Isabel II Authority
100 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 799 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 36 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1858. Isabel II. Sevilla. 100 reales. (Cal. 36). Leves rayitas. Escasa. EBC-/EBC+. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
27 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3290 Numistats ref: 420066

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1705. IBM. 1 escudo. (Kr. 79). Grieta. Rara. MBC+. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2558 Numistats ref: 420341

Fernando VII Authority
Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 545 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1108 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1808. Fernando VII. Guatemala. Proclamación con valor 1 real. (Cal. 1108) (Ha. 16). FERDIN. Hojita. Parte de brillo original. Rara. MBC+. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
13 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3239 Numistats ref: 420117

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1868. Jorge I. A (París). 1 dracma. (Kr. 38). Bella. EBC+. Description
- Grade
250 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3237 Numistats ref: 420119

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1833. Otón I. 2 lepta. (Kr. 14). CU. ¶ . Bella. Escasa así. S/C. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3413 Numistats ref: 420280

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1829. Sede vacante. B (Bolonia). 1 escudo. (Kr. 1303). Golpecitos. Bella. EBC. Description
- Grade
350 EUR Starting
425 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3038 Numistats ref: 419916

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1805. Alemania. Baviera. Maximiliano IV José. TS. 1 taler. (Kr. 8). Rara. MBC. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3376 Numistats ref: 420181

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1882. Serbia. Milan Obrenovich IV. V (Viena). 20 dinars. (Fr. 4). AU. Bella. Escasa. EBC. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3337 Numistats ref: 420220

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1912. Montenegro. Nicolás I. 5 perpera. (Kr. 15). Rara. EBC-. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2178 Numistats ref: 416127

No match
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1588. Felipe II. Milán. 1 ducatón. (Vti. 53) (Crippa 13/D-1). Escasa. MBC. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3414 Numistats ref: 420279

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1830. Sede vacante. Roma. 1 escudo. (Kr. 1311). Golpecito. Bella. EBC. Description
- Grade
375 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3298 Numistats ref: 420058

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
s/d (1634). Francisco Erizzo. MAM. 1 escudo. (Kr. 4249). Acuñación floja en pequeña zona. Rara. (EBC). Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3296 Numistats ref: 420060

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1595. Fernando I. 1 taler. (Dav. 8392). Rara. MBC-. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3204 Numistats ref: 420152

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1648. Luis XIV. N (Montpellier). 1 ecu. (Kr. 155.12). Rara así. EBC-. Description
- Grade
350 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2096 Numistats ref: 415821

Ermengol X Authority
Obol Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 129 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Comtat d'Urgell. Ermengol X (1267-1314). Agramunt. Òbol. (Cru.V.S. 129) (Cru.C.G. 1946). 0,34 grs. Cospel ligeramente faltado. Muy rara. MBC. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
14 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2172 Numistats ref: 416133

No match
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1541. Carlos Wolfgang, Luis XV y Martín. Oettingen. 1 taler. (Kr. 51) (Dav. 9617). A nombre de Carlos V. Rara. MBC. Description
- Grade
400 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3125 Numistats ref: 420031

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1729. Leopoldo Anton Eleutherius, Freiherr von Firman. 1 taler. (Kr. 329) (Dav. 1241). Bella. Escasa. EBC. Description
- Grade
350 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 2079 Numistats ref: 415938

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Sekaisakom (Segeda). As. (FAB. 2116). 8,67 grs. Pátina verde. Rara. MBC. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 260 - GENERAL AUCTION - 3268 Numistats ref: 420087

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1696. Inglaterra. Guillermo III. 1 corona. (Kr. 486). Primer busto. Limpiada. Rara. MBC+. Description
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found