Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION

Date: 2015-10-28

# Items: 999

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2223 Numistats ref: 381245

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Cese (Tarragona). Denario. (FAB. 2266) (ACIP. 1122). 4,04 g. MBC/MBC-. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
153 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2544 Numistats ref: 381506

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 552 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 246 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1750. Fernando VI. Madrid. JB. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 246). Golpecitos. 1,73 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
110 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2543 Numistats ref: 381507

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 551 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 245 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1749. Fernando VI. Madrid. JB. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 245). Precioso color. 1,76 g. MBC+/EBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
140 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
40 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2648 Numistats ref: 381602

Carlos III Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1318 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 808 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1788. Carlos III. Sevilla. C. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 808). Leves marquitas. Buen ejemplar. 1,74 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
140 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
86 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2950 Numistats ref: 381900

No match
Monedas extranjeras / World coins Category
1791. Francia. Luis XVI. I (Limoges). 30 sols. (Kr. 606.7). AG. Atractiva. Escasa así. 10,06 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2605 Numistats ref: 381645

Carlos III Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1123 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 933 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1783. Carlos III. México. FF. 8 reales. (Cal. 933). Golpe en la E de DEI. Parte de brillo original. 26,94 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
27 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2042 Numistats ref: 381201

C. Minucius Augurinus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 242/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 135 a.C.). Gens Minucia. Denario. (Bab. 3) (Craw. 242/1). 3,87 g. EBC-/MBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
14 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2651 Numistats ref: 381599

Carlos III Authority
Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1369 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 628 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1787/6. Carlos III. Madrid. DV. 1 escudo. (Cal. 628). Leves rayitas. 3,35 g. MBC/MBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
175 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
16 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2024 Numistats ref: 381219

Cn. Cornelius Blasio Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 296/1k References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 112-111 a.C.). Gens Cornelia. Denario. (Bab. 20) (Craw. 296/1k). 3,97 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
120 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
3 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2867 Numistats ref: 381784

Alfonso XIII Authority
5 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 106 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 25 References
Monedas contemporáneas / Contemporary coins Category
1896*1896. Alfonso XIII. PGV. 5 pesetas. (Cal. 25). Leves marquitas. Parte de brillo original. 24,99 g. EBC/EBC+. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
130 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2537 Numistats ref: 381513

Fernando VI Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 527 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 370 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1754. Fernando VI. Potosí. C. 8 reales. (Cal. 370). Escasa. 26,93 g, MBC-. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
225 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
8 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2276 Numistats ref: 381271

Alfons III Authority
Croat Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 366.2 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Alfons III (1327-1336). Barcelona. Croat. (Cru.V.S. 366.2) (Cru.C.G. 2184). Flores de 5 pétalos. Oxidaciones. 2,93 g. (MBC+). Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
225 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
9 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2275 Numistats ref: 381272

Jaume II Authority
Croat Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 337.5 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Jaume II (1291-1327). Barcelona. Croat. (Cru.V.S. 337.5) (Cru.C.G. 2154f). Anverso limpiado. 2,95 g. (MBC+). Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
225 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
7 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2492 Numistats ref: 381956

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1584 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 906 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1743. Felipe V. Potosí. C. 8 reales. (Cal. 906). Doble fecha. Escasa. 26,74 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
225 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
10 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2290 Numistats ref: 381257

Ferran I de Nàpols Authority
Coronat Denomination
- Year
Cru.V.S. 1022 References
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Ferran I de Nàpols (1458-1494). Nàpols. Coronat. (Cru.V.S. 1022) (Cru.C.G. 3435). Bonita pátina. 3,95 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
13 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2534 Numistats ref: 381516

Fernando VI Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 524 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 365 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1753. Fernando VI. Potosí. q. 8 reales. (Cal. 365). Doble fecha, triple ensayador. Pátina oscura. 27,20 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
12 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2533 Numistats ref: 381517

Fernando VI Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 522 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 364 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1752. Fernando VI. Potosí. q. 8 reales. (Cal. 364). Doble fecha, triple ensayador. Pátina oscura. 26,63 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
19 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2457 Numistats ref: 381991

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1322 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 667 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1743. Felipe V. Lima. V. 8 reales. (Cal. 667). Doble fecha, una parcial. Ex Áureo & Calicó 06/11/2007, nº 600. 27,60 g. MBC-. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
3 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2226 Numistats ref: 381320

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Turiasu (Tarazona). Denario. (FAB. 2417) (ACIP. 1720). 3,80 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
161 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2077 Numistats ref: 381166

Nero Authority
As Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.1(2).ner.543 RIC 543 References
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(66 d.C.). Nerón. As. (Spink 1976 var) (Co. 302) (RIC. 543). 11,22 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
162 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
63 Past auctions
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