Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION

Date: 2015-10-28

# Items: 999

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2622 Numistats ref: 381628

Carlos III Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1241 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 752 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1759. Carlos III. Madrid. JP. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 752). Buen ejemplar. 1,75 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
13 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2355 Numistats ref: 381393

No match
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1573. Felipe II. Amberes. 1 escudo felipe. (Vti. 1200) (Dav. 8634). 33,93 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2049 Numistats ref: 381194

M. Sergius Silus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 286/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 116-115 a.C.). Gens Sergia. Denario. (Bab.1) (S. 1a) (Craw. 286/1, ver nota). Cabeza de Roma más pequeña. Bella. 3,92 g. EBC/EBC-. Description
- Grade
120 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
86 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2458 Numistats ref: 381990

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1323 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 668 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1744. Felipe V. Lima. V. 8 reales. (Cal. 668). Ex Áureo & Calicó 06/11/2007, nº 602. 27,55 g. MBC-. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
2 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2535 Numistats ref: 381515

Fernando VI Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 526 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 367 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1753. Fernando VI. Potosí. C. 8 reales. (Cal. 367). Doble ensayador. Pátina oscura. 26,02 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
6 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2364 Numistats ref: 381384

Felipe III Authority
1/2 Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 376 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 543 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1612. Felipe III. Barcelona. 1/2 croat. (Cru.C.G. 4342f) (Cal. 543 var). Rara. 1,39 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
26 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2739 Numistats ref: 381711

Fernando VII Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1235 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 469 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1820. Fernando VII. Guatemala. M. 8 reales. (Cal. 469). Golpecitos. Limpiada. 26,86 g. EBC-/EBC. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
24 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2475 Numistats ref: 381973

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1540 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 865 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1705. Felipe V. Potosí. Y. 8 reales. (Cal. 865). Dos ensayadores visibles. Doble fecha, una parcial. Ex Áureo & Calicó 06/11/2007, nº 625. 27,56 g. MBC-. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
4 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2307 Numistats ref: 381440

No match
Monedas medievales / Medieval coins Category
Enrique IV (1454-1474). Sevilla. Real. (AB. 685 var). Buen ejemplar. Escasa así. 3,28 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
145 EUR Realized
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2823 Numistats ref: 381828

Gobierno Provisional Authority
Peseta Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 16 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 14 References
Monedas contemporáneas / Contemporary coins Category
1869. Gobierno Provisional. SNM. 1 peseta. (Cal. 14). GOBIERNO PROVISIONAL. Leves marquitas. Buen ejemplar. 4,94 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
147 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
90 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2455 Numistats ref: 381993

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1312 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 658 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1737. Felipe V. Lima. N. 8 reales. (Cal. 658). Ex Áureo & Calicó 06/11/2007, nº 582. 27,12 g. MBC-. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
147 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
3 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2023 Numistats ref: 381220

P. Cornelius Sulla Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 205/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 151 a.C.). Gens Cornelia. Denario. (Bab. 1) (Craw. 205/1). 3,60 g. EBC-/MBC+. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
148 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
29 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2015 Numistats ref: 381228

C. Antestius Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 219/1e References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 146 a.C.). Gens Antestia. Denario. (Bab. 1) (Craw. 219/1e). 3,93 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
18 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2132 Numistats ref: 382110

No match
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(180-182 d.C.). Crispina. Denario. (Spink 6002) (S. 35) (RIC. 286a). Bella. 3,43 g. EBC. Description
- Grade
70 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2130 Numistats ref: 382112

Marcus Aurelius Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.3.m_aur.786 RIC 786 References
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(166-169 d.C.). Lucilla. Denario. (Spink 5492) (S. 89) (RIC. 786). Bella. 2,92 g. EBC. Description
- Grade
70 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
42 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2013 Numistats ref: 381230

Anonymous Authority
Victoriatus Denomination
- Year
Crawford 53/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(después 211 a.C.). Anónima. Victoriato. (Bab. 9) (Craw. 53/1). 3,69 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
23 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2043 Numistats ref: 381200

M. Nonius Sufenas Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 421/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 59 a.C.). Gens Nonia. Denario. (Bab. 1) (Craw. 421/1). Escasa. 3,97 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
130 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
27 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2028 Numistats ref: 381215

Cn. Domitius Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 261/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 128 a.C.). Gens Domitia. Denario. (Bab. 14) (Craw. 261/1). 3,91 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
32 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2191 Numistats ref: 382051

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Celse (Velilla de Ebro). As. (FAB. 771) (ACIP. 1482). 11,81 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2166 Numistats ref: 382076

No match
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(269 d.C.). Mario. Antoniniano. (Spink 11122) (Co. 20) (RIC. 18). Rara. 3,40 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
150 EUR Realized
Match manually

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