Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION

Date: 2015-10-28

# Items: 999

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2038 Numistats ref: 381205

P. Maenius Ant[ias] Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 249/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 132 a.C.). Gens Maenia. Denario. (Bab. 7) (Craw. 249/1). 3,91 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
110 EUR Starting
175 EUR Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
25 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2030 Numistats ref: 381213

L. Flaminius Chilo Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 302/1 References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(hacia 109-108 a.C.). Gens Flaminia. Denario. (Bab. 1) (Craw. 302/1). 3,96 g. MBC+/EBC-. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
61 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2541 Numistats ref: 381509

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 548 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 242 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1747. Fernando VI. Madrid. JB. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 242). Pequeña limadura en canto del reverso. Buen ejemplar. 1,76 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
120 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
120 EUR Realized
1 Upcoming auctions
59 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2826 Numistats ref: 381825

Alfonso XII Authority
Peseta Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 15 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 54 References
Monedas contemporáneas / Contemporary coins Category
1876*1876. Alfonso XII. DEM. 1 peseta. (Cal. 54). Buen ejemplar. 4,93 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
123 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
86 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2051 Numistats ref: 381192

L. Titurius Sabinus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
Crawford 344/2c References
República romana / Roman Republic Category
(89 a.C.). Gens Tituria. Denario. (Bab. 5) (Craw. 344/2c). 3,96 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
125 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
12 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2224 Numistats ref: 381322

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Titiacos (Tricio). As. (FAB. 2395) (ACIP. 1898). 8,88 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
175 EUR Estimate
125 EUR Realized
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2218 Numistats ref: 381327

No match
Monedas antiguas de Hispania / Celtiberian coins Category
Saiti (Xàtiva). As. (FAB. 2100) (ACIP. 2031). 14,24 g. MBC+/MBC. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
125 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2591 Numistats ref: 381459

Carlos III Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1048 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 862 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1781. Carlos III. Lima. MI. 8 reales. (Cal. 862). Leves rayitas. 26,82 g. EBC-/EBC. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
125 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
19 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2478 Numistats ref: 381970

Felipe V Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1557 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 881 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1721. Felipe V. Potosí. Y. 8 reales. (Cal. 881). Doble fecha, la de la gráfila completa. Ex Áureo & Calicó 06/11/2007, nº 645. 26,82 g. MBC-. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
125 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
3 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2763 Numistats ref: 381687

Fernando VII Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1394 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 618 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1825. Fernando VII. Potosí. JL. 8 reales. (Cal. 618). Leves rayitas. Parte de brillo original. 26,81 g. EBC/EBC+. Description
- Grade
125 EUR Starting
175 EUR Estimate
128 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
101 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2633 Numistats ref: 381617

Carlos III Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1266 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 771 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1777. Carlos III. Madrid. PJ. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 771). Rayitas. 1,71 g. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
70 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
25 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2549 Numistats ref: 381501

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 559 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 253 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1756. Fernando VI. Madrid. JB. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 253). Tercer busto. 1,75 g. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
110 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
110 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2502 Numistats ref: 381547

Felipe V Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1644 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 582 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1742. Felipe V. Sevilla. PJ. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 582). 1,74 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
80 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
15 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2832 Numistats ref: 381819

Alfonso XIII Authority
Peseta Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 53 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 38 References
Monedas contemporáneas / Contemporary coins Category
1891*1891. Alfonso XIII. PGM. 1 peseta. (Cal. 38). Leves rayitas. Atractiva. Escasa así. 5,04 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
105 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2144 Numistats ref: 382098

No match
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(218-219 d.C.). Eliogábalo. Denario. (Spink 7505) (S. 15) (RIC. 187). Bella. 2,71 g. EBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
Match manually

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2109 Numistats ref: 382133

No match
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(136 d.C.). Adriano. Denario. (Spink 3535 var) (S. 1261) (RIC. 327). 3,42 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2546 Numistats ref: 381504

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 556 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 250 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1753. Fernando VI. Madrid. JB. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 250). 1,76 g. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
130 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2575 Numistats ref: 381475

Carlos III Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 662 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1343 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1776. Carlos III. México. FM. 2 reales. (Cal. 1343). Limpiada. Escasa. 6,67 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2556 Numistats ref: 381494

Fernando VI Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 584 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 273 References
Monarquía española / Spanish Monarchy Category
1757. Fernando VI. Sevilla. JV. 1/2 escudo. (Cal. 273). 1,77 g. MBC/MBC+. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
28 Past auctions
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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Subasta 271 - COIN AUCTION - 2165 Numistats ref: 382077

No match
Imperio romano / Roman Empire Category
(269 d.C.). Mario. Antoniniano. (Spink 11120) (Co. 13) (RIC. 10). Rara. 2,99 g. MBC. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found