Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII

Date: 2024-04-22

# Items: 1067

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 956 Numistats ref: 653675

Volusian Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.vo.219 RIC 219 References
Roman Imperial Category
Volusian. Antoninianus. 251-253 AD. Antioch. (Ric-219). Anv.: IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: MARTEM PROPVGNATOREM. Mars advancing right, holding spear and shield. Ag. 4,06 g. Thin crack. Scarce. VF/Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Volusiano. Antoniniano. 251-253 d.C. Antioquía. (Ric-219). Anv.: IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: MARTEM PROPVGNATOREM. Marte avanzando hacia la derecha, sosteniendo lanza y escudo. Ag. 4,06 g. Leve grieta. Escasa. MBC/MBC+. Est...80,00.
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
50 EUR Realized
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2 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 957 Numistats ref: 653676

Valerian Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.5.val_i.89 RIC 89 References
Roman Imperial Category
Valerian I. Antoninianus. 253-254 AD. Rome. (Ric-89). (Rsc-65). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing to left, holding two signa. Ag. 3,93 g. It retains some luster. Gorgeous old cabinet patina. A good sample. AU. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Valeriano I. Antoniniano. 253-254 d.C. Roma. (Ric-89). (Rsc-65). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: FIDES MILITVM. Fides en pie a izquierda sosteniendo dos estandartes. Ag. 3,93 g. Bonita pátina de monetario con ligeros tonos iridiscentes. Restos de brillo original. EBC+. Est...100,00.
good Grade
50 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
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9 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 958 Numistats ref: 653677

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Valerian I. Antoninianus. 253-255 AD. Rome. (Ric-127). (Seaby-221). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGG. Victory standing left, resting on shield and holding palm. Ag. 2,23 g. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Valeriano I. Antoniniano. 253-255 d.C. Roma. (Ric-127). (Seaby-221). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGG. Victoria de pie a la izquierda, apoyada en un escudo y sosteniendo una palma. Ag. 2,23 g. MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
35 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
50 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Obverse Type:Bust of Valerian, radiate, draped, right
Reverse Legend:VICTORIA AVGG
Reverse Type:Victory, winged, draped, standing left, resting right hand on shield and holding palm in left hand
RIC ric.5.val_i.127 RIC 127 See coin

Obverse Type:Bust of Gallienus, radiate, cuirassed, right
Reverse Type:Apollo, nude, standing right, drawing bow
RIC ric.5.gall(1).127 RIC 127 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 959 Numistats ref: 653678

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Valerian I. Antoninianus. 253-260 AD. Antioch. (Ric-292c). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGG, Valerian and Gallienus facing each other, each holding spear, one holding Victory and the other a globe. Bi. 2,93 g. Flan crack. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Valeriano I. Antoniniano. 253-260 d.C. Antioquía. (Ric-292c). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG. Busto radiado y drapeado con coraza a derecha. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGG. Valeriano y Galieno uno frente al otro, cada uno sosteniendo una lanza, uno sostiene una Victoria y otro un globo terráqueo. Ve. 2,93 g. Grieta. MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 960 Numistats ref: 653679

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Valerian I. Antoninianus. 253-255 AD. Antioch. (Ric-No cita). (Mir-36, 1581b). Anv.: IM(P C P LIC) VALERIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: SALVS AVGG, Salus standing right, feeding snake held in her right hand. Bi. 3,29 g. Scarce. Choice VF/VF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Valeriano I. Antoniniano. 253-255 d.C. Antioquía. (Ric-No cita). (Mir-36, 1581b). Anv.: IM(P C P LIC) VALERIANVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: SALVS AVGG. Salus de pie a la derecha, alimentando a una serpiente que sostiene en su mano derecha. Ve. 3,29 g. Escasa. MBC+/MBC. Est...60,00.
MBC+ Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
30 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 961 Numistats ref: 653700

Gallienus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.5.sala(2).22 RIC 22 References
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 257 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-22). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: IOVI VICTORI, Jupiter standing facing, holding Victory and spear, on cippus inscribed IMP CES. Ag. 4,31 g. Worn obverse die. Almost VF/Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 257 d.C. Lugdunum. (Ric-22). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: IOVI VICTORI. Júpiter en pie, portando Victoria y lanza sobre cippus inscrito IMP CES. Ag. 4,31 g. Cuño del anverso gastado. MBC-/MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 962 Numistats ref: 653701

Gallienus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.5.sala(2).22 RIC 22 References
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 257 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-22). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: IOVI VICTORI, Jupiter standing facing, holding Victory and spear, on cippus inscribed IMP CES . Ag. 3,43 g. Almost VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 257 d.C. Lugdunum. (Ric-22). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: IOVI VICTORI. Júpiter en pie, portando Victoria y lanza sobre cippus inscrito IMP CES. Ag. 3,43 g. MBC-. Est...50,00.
MBC- Grade
30 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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16 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 963 Numistats ref: 653702

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 259 AD. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-27 corr. (Lugdunum)). (Mir-36, 879d). Anv.: GALLIENVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: RESTIT GALLIAR. Emperor standing left, holding sceptre and raising kneeling female. Ag. 3,72 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 259 d.C. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-27 corr. (Lugdunum)). (Mir-36, 879d). Anv.: GALLIENVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: RESTIT GALLIAR. Emperador de pie a la izquierda, portando cetro y elevando a una mujer arrodillada . Ag. 3,72 g. MBC+/MBC. Est...60,00.
MBC+ Grade
35 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 964 Numistats ref: 653703

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 257 AD. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-V 1 58). (Seaby-1309). Anv.: GALLIENVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGG. Emperor standing to right, holding spear and standard. Ag. 2,81 g. Patina. VF/Choice VF. Est...65,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 257 d.C. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-V 1 58). (Seaby-1309). Anv.: GALLIENVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGG. Emperador en pie a la derecha, portando lanza y estandarte. Ag. 2,81 g. Pátina. MBC/MBC+. Est...65,00.
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
65 EUR Estimate
53 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Obverse Legend:SALONINA AVG
Obverse Type:Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, right, on crescent
Reverse Type:Abundantia, draped, standing left, emptying cornucopiae
RIC ric.5.sala(2).1 RIC 1 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 965 Numistats ref: 653704

Gallienus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.5.gall(2).256 RIC 256 References
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 260-261 AD. Rome. (Ric-256). (Mir-353x). (C-728). Anv.: GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PAX AVG Pax standing front, head to left, holding branch in her right hand and scepter in her left; in field to right, T. Bi. 3,67 g. Thin crack. Choice VF/VF. Est...40,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 260-261 d.C. Roma. (Ric-256). (Mir-353x). (C-728). Anv.: GALLIENVS AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a derechaderecha y un cetro en su izquierda; en el campo de la derecha T. Rev.: PAX AVG. Pax en pie de frente, mirando a la izquierda, sosteniendo una rama en su mano derecha y un cetro en su izquierda; en el campo de la derecha T. Ve. 3,67 g. Leve grieta. MBC+/MBC. Est...40,00.
MBC+ Grade
20 EUR Starting
40 EUR Estimate
30 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 966 Numistats ref: 653705

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 256-257 AD. Antioch. (Ric-V. 1, 452). (Mir-1603b). (Rsc-1173). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: VICTORIA GERMAN, Emperor standing to left, holding globe and sceptre, receiving wreath from Victory standing to right. Bi. 3,47 g. Scarce. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 256-257 d.C. Antioquía. (Ric-V. 1, 452). (Mir-1603b). (Rsc-1173). Anv.: IMP GALLIENVS AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: VICTORIA GERMAN. Emperador en pie a la izquierda, portando globo y cetro, recibiendo corona de Victoria en pie a la derecha. Ve. 3,47 g. Escasa. MBC+/EBC-. Est...60,00.
MBC+/EBC- Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Obverse Legend:SALONINA AVG
Obverse Type:Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, right, on crescent
Reverse Type:Abundantia, draped, standing left, emptying cornucopiae
RIC ric.5.sala(2).1 RIC 1 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 967 Numistats ref: 653706

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 263-264 AD. Antioch. (Ric-V. 1, 673). (Rsc-1321). Anv.: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGVSTI, Hercules standing right holding lion skin, leaning on club set on rock; star in right field. Bi. 3,82 g. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 263-264 d.C. Antioquía. (Ric-V. 1, 673). (Rsc-1321). Anv.: GALLIENVS AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: VIRTVS AVGVSTI. Hércules en pie a derecha, sosteniendo piel de león, apoyado en maza sobre una roca; estrella en el campo derecho. Ve. 3,82 g. MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
20 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
30 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Obverse Legend:SALONINA AVG
Obverse Type:Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, right, on crescent
Reverse Type:Abundantia, draped, standing left, emptying cornucopiae
RIC ric.5.sala(2).1 RIC 1 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 968 Numistats ref: 653707

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Gallienus. Antoninianus. 256-260 AD. Samosata. (Ric-V 1.447). (Mir-1684). (Rsc-792b). Anv.: IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PIETAS AVGG, Valerian and Gallienus sacrificing at altar. Bi. 4,06 g. With plenty of original luster. XF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Galieno. Antoniniano. 256-260 d.C. Samosata. (Ric-V 1.447). (Mir-1684). (Rsc-792b). Anv.: IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: PIETAS AVGG. Valeriano y Galieno sacrificando sobre altar. Ve. 4,06 g. Conserva todo el plateado original. EBC. Est...60,00.
EBC Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
30 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Obverse Type:Bust of Quintus Julius Gallienus, radiate, bare, right
Reverse Legend:CONSECRATIO
Reverse Type:Altar
RIC ric.5.qjg.1 RIC 1 See coin

Obverse Legend:SALONINA AVG
Obverse Type:Bust of Salonina, diademed, draped, right, on crescent
Reverse Type:Abundantia, draped, standing left, emptying cornucopiae
RIC ric.5.sala(2).1 RIC 1 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 969 Numistats ref: 653708

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Quieto. Antoninianus. 260-261 AD. Samosata. (Ric-V.2 11). Anv.: IMP C FVL QVIETVS P F AVG, radiate and draped bust right. Rev.: SPES PVBLICA, Spes walking left, raising robe and holding flower; star in left field. Bi. 3,42 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Quieto. Antoniniano. 260-261 d.C. Samosata. (Ric-V.2 11). Anv.: IMP C FVL QVIETVS P F AVG, Busto radiado a derecha. Rev.: SPES PVBLICA, Spes caminando a la izquierda, levantando la túnica y sosteniendo una flor; estrella en el campo izquierdo. Bi. 3,42 g. MBC+/MBC. Est...90,00.
MBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
120 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 970 Numistats ref: 653709

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Postumus. Antoninianus. 263 AD. Trier. (Ric-V 2.58 Lugdunum). (Rsc-39a). Anv.: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: FELICITAS AVG. Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Bi. 3,06 g. VF/Choice F. Est...30,00.

Spanish description: Póstumo. Antoniniano. 263 d.C. Treveri. (Ric-V 2.58 Lugdunum). (Rsc-39a). Anv.: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: FELICITAS AVG. Felicitas en pie a izquierda, sosteniendo caduceo y cornucopia . Ve. 3,06 g. MBC/BC+. Est...30,00.
BC+ Grade
15 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
25 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 971 Numistats ref: 653710

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Postumus. Antoninianus. 260-269 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-V 2.75). (Rsc-199). Anv.: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: MONETA AVG, Moneta standing to left with scales and cornucopiae. Bi. 4,45 g. Almost VF/F. Est...30,00.

Spanish description: Póstumo. Antoniniano. 260-269 d.C. Lugdunum. (Ric-V 2.75). (Rsc-199). Anv.: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: MONETA AVG. Moneta en pie a izquierda portando balanza y cornucopia. Ve. 4,45 g. MBC-/BC. Est...30,00.
MBC- Grade
15 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 972 Numistats ref: 653711

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Postumus. Sestertius. 260-269 AD. Lugdunum. (Ric-V 2, 123). (C-74). Anv.: IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing facing, head to left, holding two standards. Ae. 18,67 g. Choice VF. Est...200,00.

Spanish description: Póstumo. Sestercio. 260-269 d.C. Lugdunum. (Ric-V 2, 123). (C-74). Anv.: IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha . Rev.: FIDES MILITVM. Fides en pie de frente, mirando a la izquierda, portando dos estandartes. Ae. 18,67 g. MBC+. Est...200,00.
MBC+ Grade
100 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
180 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 973 Numistats ref: 653712

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Victorinus. Antoninianus. 269-270 AD. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-V 2.67). Anv.: IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: SALVS AVG, Salus standing to right, feeding serpent from patera. Bi. 2,27 g. Almost VF. Est...35,00.

Spanish description: Victorino. Antoniniano. 269-270 d.C. Colonia Agrippinensis. (Ric-V 2.67). Anv.: IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: SALVS AVG. Salus en pie a la derecha, alimentando serpiente con pátera. Ve. 2,27 g. MBC-. Est...35,00.
MBC- Grade
15 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 974 Numistats ref: 653713

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Victorinus. Antoninianus. 269-270 AD. Trier. (Ric-V 2.118). Anv.: IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. Bi. 2,53 g. Mino area of weak strike. Choice VF/Almost VF. Est...30,00.

Spanish description: Victorino. Antoniniano. 269-270 d.C. Treveri. (Ric-V 2.118). Anv.: IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y con coraza a la derecha. Rev.: PAX AVG. Pax en pie de frente, mirando a la izquierda, portando rama de olivo y cetro; V en el campo izquierdo, estrella en el campo derecho. Ve. 2,53 g. Leve vano de acuñación. MBC+/MBC-. Est...30,00.
MBC+ Grade
15 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 975 Numistats ref: 653714

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Aurelian. Antoninianus. 274 AD. Rome. (Ric-V 1793). Anv.: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: ORIENS AVG. Sol standing front, head to left, raising his right hand in salute and holding globe in his left; to left and right, seated and bound captives. ΔXXIR in exergue. Bi. 4,18 g. Almost XF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Aureliano. Antoniniano. 274 d.C. Roma. (Ric-V 1793). Anv.: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG. Busto radiado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: ORIENS AVG. Sol en pie de frente, mirando a la izquierda, levantando la mano derecha a modo de saludo y sosteniendo el globo en la izquierda; a izquierda y derecha cautivos sentados y atados. ΔXXIR en exergo. Ve. 4,18 g. EBC-. Est...50,00.
ebc- Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found