Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII

Date: 2024-04-22

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 801 Numistats ref: 653380

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Manlia Scantilla. Sestertius. 193 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 18a). (Bmcre-32). (C-6). Anv.: MANLIA SCANTILLA AVG, draped bust to right. Rev.: IVNO R(EGINA), Juno standing facing, head to left, holding patera and sceptre, peacock to left at her feet; S-C across fields. Ae. 18,01 g. Very rare. Choice F. Est...300,00.

Spanish description: Manlia Scantilla. Sestercio. 193 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 18a). (Bmcre-32). (C-6). Anv.: MANLIA SCANTILLA AVG. Busto drapeado a la derecha . Rev.: (I)VNO R(EGINA). Juno en pie de frente, mirando a la izquierda, portando pátera y cetro, pavo real a la izquierda en sus pies; S-C a través de los campos. Ae. 18,01 g. Muy rara. BC+. Est...300,00.
BC+ Grade
150 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
460 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 802 Numistats ref: 653381

Clodius Albinus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 7 RSC 48 References
Roman Imperial Category
Clodius Albinus. Denarius. 194-195 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 7). (Bmcre-98). (Rsc-48). Anv.: D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head to right. Rev.: MINER PACIF COS (II), Minerva standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch and spear, and resting on shield. Ag. 3,28 g. VF. Est...160,00.

Spanish description: Clodio Albino. Denario. 194-195 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 7). (Bmcre-98). (Rsc-48). Anv.: D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, Cabeza desnuda a derecha. Rev.: MINER PACIF COS (II), Minerva en pie a izquierda, portando rama de olivo y lanza, descansando sobre escudo. Ag. 3,28 g. MBC. Est...160,00.
MBC Grade
80 EUR Starting
160 EUR Estimate
95 EUR Realized
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175 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 803 Numistats ref: 653382

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 193 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 15). (Rsc-276). Anv.: (IMP) CAE L SEP SEV PERT (AV)G. Laureate head right. Rev.: (LEG) XXII, aquila left between two signa; TR P COS in exergue. Ag. 2,72 g. Scarce. VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 193 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 15). (Rsc-276). Anv.:  (IMP) CAE L SEP SEV PERT (AV)G. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: (LEG) XXII, Aquila a izquierda entre dos signum; TR P COS en exergo. Ag. 2,72 g. Escasa. MBC. Est...80,00.
MBC Grade
40 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
80 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Bust of Caracalla, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed, right
Reverse Type:Lituus, knife, jug, simpulum, and sprinkler
RIC ric.4.crl.15 RIC 15 See coin

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right
Reverse Legend:LEG XXII TR P COS
Reverse Type:Legionary eagle, facing left, between two standards
RIC RIC 15 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 804 Numistats ref: 653383

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 200-201 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 150). (Bmcre-175). (Rsc-454). Anv.: SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head to right. Rev.: P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Victory flying to left holding open wreath in both hands over round shield set on low base. Ag. 3,14 g. XF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 200-201 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 150). (Bmcre-175). (Rsc-454). Anv.: SEVERVS AVG PART MAX. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: P M TR P VIII COS II P P. Victoria volando hacia la izquierda sosteniendo una corona abierta con ambas manos sobre un escudo redondo colocado en una base baja. Ag. 3,14 g. EBC. Est...120,00.
EBC Grade
70 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
140 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right
Reverse Legend:P M TR P VIII COS II P P
Reverse Type:Victory, winged, draped, flying left, holding wreath in both hands over shield set on low base
RIC RIC 150 See coin

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Bust of Caracalla, laureate, draped, right
Reverse Legend:VOTA SVSCEPTA X
Reverse Type:Caracalla, togate, standing left, sacrificing out of patera in right hand over tripod and holding roll in left hand
RIC ric.4.crl.150 RIC 150 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 805 Numistats ref: 653384

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 167A References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 200-201 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 167a). (Bmcre-203). (Rsc-599). Anv.: SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head to right. Rev.: RESTITVTOR VRBIS, emperor standing to left, sacrificing out of patera over tripod and holding spear. Ag. 3,01 g. Cleaned. Choice VF/VF. Est...65,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 200-201 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 167a). (Bmcre-203). (Rsc-599). Anv.: SEVERVS AVG PART MAX. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: RESTITVTOR VRBIS. Emperador en pie a la izquierda, sacrificando con una pátera sobre un trípode y sosteniendo una lanza. Ag. 3,01 g. Limpiada. MBC+/MBC. Est...65,00.
MBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
65 EUR Estimate
70 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
12 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 806 Numistats ref: 653385

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 201 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 176). (Bmcre-356). (Rsc-370). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head to right. Rev.: PART MAX P M TR P VIIII, two captives seated to left and to right of trophy of arms. Ag. 3,15 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 201 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 176). (Bmcre-356). (Rsc-370). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG. Busto laureado a la derecha. Rev.: PART MAX P M TR P VIIII. Dos cautivos sedentes a la izquierda y derecha de un trofeo de armas. Ag. 3,15 g. MBC+/MBC. Est...80,00.
MBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
55 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right
Reverse Legend:PART MAX P M TR P VIIII
Reverse Type:Two captives, each wearing pointed cap and draped to ankles, seated in mourning aptitude back to back, left and right of central trophy
RIC RIC 176 See coin

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Caracalla, laureate, right
Reverse Type:Virtus, helmeted, draped, seated left, holding Victory in extended right hand and parazonium in left hand; behind, shield
RIC ric.4.crl.176 RIC 176 See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 807 Numistats ref: 653386

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 198 AD. Laodicea. (Ric-197a). (Seaby-642). Anv.: L SEP SEVERVS PER AVG P M IMP XI. Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev.: SALVTI AVGG. Salus seated left on throne, resting her left hand on her arm rest and, in her right, holding patera from which she feeds a snake, coiled round an altar to the left. Ag. 3,81 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 198 d.C. Laodicea. (Ric-197a). (Seaby-642). Anv.: L SEP SEVERVS PER AVG P M IMP XI. Cabeza laureada de Septimio Severo a derecha. Rev.: SALVTI AVGG. Salus sentada a la izquierda en trono, apoyando su mano izquierda en el reposabrazos y, en la derecha, sosteniendo una pátera de la que alimenta a una serpiente, enroscada alrededor de un altar a la izquierda. Ag. 3,81 g. EBC-/MBC+. Est...90,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
80 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 808 Numistats ref: 653387

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 201-210 AD. Rome. (Ric-264a). (Bmcre-327). (Rsc-181). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.: FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; wheel below. Ag. 3,47 g. Delicate patina. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 201-210 d.C. Roma. (Ric-264a). (Bmcre-327). (Rsc-181). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: FORTVNA REDVX. Fortuna sedente a la izquierda, portando timón y cornucopia; rueda debajo. Ag. 3,47 g. Suave pátina. EBC-/MBC+. Est...100,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
60 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right
Reverse Legend:FORTVNA REDVX
Reverse Type:Fortuna, draped, seated left on low seat, holding rudder sometimes set on globe in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand
RIC RIC 264a See coin

Authority:Septimius Severus
Obverse Type:Head of Septimius Severus, laureate, right
Reverse Type:Fortuna, draped, seated left on low seat, holding rudder sometimes set on globe in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand
RIC RIC 264A See coin

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 809 Numistats ref: 653388

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 265 References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 202-210 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 265). (Bmcre-330). (Rsc-205). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head to right. Rev.: FVNDATOR PACIS, emperor, veiled and togate, standing to left, holding branch and roll.. Ag. 3,58 g. Choice VF. Est...75,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 202-210 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 265). (Bmcre-330). (Rsc-205). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: FVNDATOR PACIS. Emperador, velado y togado en pie a la izquierda, portando rama y rollo. Ag. 3,58 g. MBC+. Est...75,00.
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
75 EUR Estimate
65 EUR Realized
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89 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 810 Numistats ref: 653389

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 295 References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 202-210 AD. Rome. (Ric-295). (Bmcre-365). (Seaby-744). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.: VICT PART MAX, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm . Ag. 3,22 g. Almost XF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 202-210 d.C. Roma. (Ric-295). (Bmcre-365). (Seaby-744). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG. Busto laureado a derecha. Rev.: VICT PART MAX. Victoria avanzando a izquierda, portando corona y palma . Ag. 3,22 g. EBC-. Est...80,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
65 EUR Realized
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7 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 811 Numistats ref: 653390

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 336 References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 210-211 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 336). (Bmcre-57). (Rsc-730). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head to right. Rev.: VICTORIAE BRIT, Victory standing facing, head to right, holding palm and fastening shield to palm tree. Ag. 3,21 g. Attractive. XF/Almost XF. Est...160,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 210-211 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 336). (Bmcre-57). (Rsc-730). Anv.: SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT. Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: VICTORIAE BRIT. Victoria en pie de frente, mirando a la derecha, portando palma y sujetando escudo sobre palmera. Ag. 3,21 g. Bonita pátina. Buen ejemplar. EBC/EBC-. Est...160,00.
ebc- Grade
80 EUR Starting
160 EUR Estimate
220 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 812 Numistats ref: 653391

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 433 References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 193-211 AD. Emesa. (Ric-433). Anv.: (IMP C)AE L SEP SEV PERT AV(G COS II). Laureate head right. Rev.: TR P III IMP V COS II. Bound Parthian seated right, with hands tied behind back; bow, quiver and shield behind; in exergue, curved sword. Ag. 2,51 g. VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 193-211 d.C. Emesa. (Ric-433). Anv.: (IMP C)AE L SEP SEV PERT AV(G COS II). Cabeza laureada a la derecha. Rev.: TR P III IMP V COS II. Parto atado sentado a la derecha, con las manos atadas a la espalda; arco, aljaba y escudo detrás; en exergo, espada curva. Ag. 2,51 g. MBC. Est...90,00.
MBC Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 813 Numistats ref: 653392

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 502B References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 198-202 AD. Laodicea. (Ric-502b). Anv.: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PARTH MAX. Laureate head right. Rev.: CONCORDIAE MILITVM. Concordia, draped, standing facing, holding standard in each hand. Ag. 4,05 g. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 198-202 d.C. Laodicea. (Ric-502b). Anv.: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PARTH MAX. Cabeza laureada a derecha. Rev.: CONCORDIAE MILITVM. Concordia, de pie, de frente, sosteniendo un estandarte en cada mano. Ag. 4,05 g. MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
60 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
2 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 814 Numistats ref: 653393

Septimius Severus Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 505 References
Roman Imperial Category
Septimius Severus. Denarius. 198-202 AD. Laodicea. (Ric-505). (Seaby-251). Anv.: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX. Laureate head to right. Rev.: IV(STI)TIA. Justitia, draped, seated to left, holding patera and sceptre. Ag. 2,71 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Septimio Severo. Denario. 198-202 d.C. Laodicea. (Ric-505). (Seaby-251). Anv.: L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX. Cabeza laureada a derecha. Rev.: IV(STI)TIA. Justitia, drapeada, sentada a izquierda, portando patera y cetro. Ag. 2,71 g. EBC-/MBC+. Est...90,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
85 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 815 Numistats ref: 653394

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Julia Domna. Denarius. 211-217 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 373A). (Bmcre-1/4). (Rsc-32). Anv.: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust to right. Rev.: DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana standing to left, holding torch in both hands. Ag. 3,04 g. Cleaned. VF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Julia Domna. Denario. 211-217 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 373A). (Bmcre-1/4). (Rsc-32). Anv.: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG. Busto drapeado a la derecha. Rev.: DIANA LVCIFERA. Diana en pie a la izquierda, sosteniendo una antorcha con ambas manos. Ag. 3,04 g. Limpiada. MBC. Est...60,00.
MBC Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
45 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 816 Numistats ref: 653395

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Julia Domna. Denarius. 211-217 AD. Rome. (Ric-388). (Bmcre-23b). (Rsc-212). Anv.: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, Draped bust right. Rev.: VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, extending right hand and holding sceptre in left. Ag. 3,23 g. Cleaned. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Julia Domna. Denario. 211-217 d.C. Roma. (Ric-388). (Bmcre-23b). (Rsc-212). Anv.: IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG. Busto drapeado a derecha. Rev.: VENVS GENETRIX. Venus sedente a izquierda con mano extendida y portando cetro. Ag. 3,23 g. Limpiada . MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
30 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
56 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 817 Numistats ref: 653396

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Julia Domna. Denarius. 196-211 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 551). (Bmcre-22). (Rsc-47). Anv.: IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust to right. Rev.: FELICITAS, Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and sceptre. Ag. 3,25 g. Choice VF/VF. Est...70,00.

Spanish description: Julia Domna. Denario. 196-211 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 551). (Bmcre-22). (Rsc-47). Anv.: IVLIA AVGVSTA. Busto drapeado a la derecha. Rev.: FELICITAS. Felicitas en pie a la izquierda, portando caduceo y cetro. Ag. 3,25 g. MBC+/MBC. Est...70,00.
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
70 EUR Estimate
55 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 818 Numistats ref: 653397

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Julia Domna. Denarius. 196-211 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 557). (Bmcre-34). (Rsc-79). Anv.: IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust to right. Rev.: HILARITAS, Hilaritas standing to left, holding long palm and cornucopiae, small figure to either side grasping at her. Ag. 3,36 g. Surface corrosion removed. VF/Choice VF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Julia Domna. Denario. 196-211 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 557). (Bmcre-34). (Rsc-79). Anv.: IVLIA AVGVSTA. Busto drapeado a la derecha. Rev.: HILARITAS. Hilaritas en pie a la izquierda, sosteniendo una palma larga y cornucopias, una pequeña figura a cada lado agarrándola. Ag. 3,36 g. Oxidaciones superficiales limpiadas. MBC/MBC+. Est...60,00.
MBC+ Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
40 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 819 Numistats ref: 653398

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Caracalla. Denarius. 200 AD. Rome. (Ric-IV 30). (Bmcre-179/83). (Rsc-413). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: PONTIF TR P III, Sol standing facing, head to left, holding globe and spear. Ag. 2,96 g. Delicate patina. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Caracalla. Denario. 200 d.C. Roma. (Ric-IV 30). (Bmcre-179/83). (Rsc-413). Anv.: ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS, busto laureado, drapeado y con coraza a derecha. Rev.: PONTIF TR P III, Sol en pie a izquierda, portando globo y lanza. Ag. 2,96 g. Suave pátina. EBC-/MBC+. Est...90,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
60 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 141 – Ancient World Vol. XVIII . 820 Numistats ref: 653399

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Caracalla. Denarius. 201-206 AD. Rome. (Ric-135). (Seaby-122). Anv.: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right. Rev.: LIBERALITAS AVGG IIII, Liberalitas standing left, holding abacus and cornucopiae. Ag. 3,14 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Caracalla. Denario. 201-206 d.C. Roma. (Ric-135). (Seaby-122). Anv.: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Busto laureado, con coraza a derecha. Rev.: LIBERALITAS AVGG IIII. Liberalitas en pie a izquierda portando ábaco y cornucopia. Ag. 3,14 g. EBC-/MBC+. Est...80,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
70 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found