Auction 433

Date: 2024-06-19

# Items: 690

Total starting: 262103

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Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1036
(293-295 A.D.). Allectus. Camulodunum. Antoninianus. (Spink 13822) (Co. 31) (RIC. 86). Obv.: IMP. C. ALLECTVS P. F. AVG. His bust radiate, draped and cuirassed. Rev.: PAX A(V)G. Pax standing left, holding an olive branch and scepter, in field S-P, in exergue C. Very scarce. 4,18 g. MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1037
(294-296 A.D.). Allectus. Londinium. Quinarius. (Spink 13870) (Co. 81) (RIC. 55). Obv.: IMP. C. ALL(E)CTV(S) P. F. AVG. His bust radiate and cuirassed. Rev.: VIRT(VS) AVG. Boat with sail and oarsmen left, in exergue QL. Very scarce. 2,18 g. MBC/MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1038
(295-297 A.D.). Constantius I, Chlorus. Rome. Argenteus. (Spink 13959) (S. 314b) (RIC. 42a). Obv.: CONSTANTIVS CAES. His head laureate. Rev.: VIRTVS MILITVM. The four tetrarchs sacrificing over a tripod before the gate of a camp, in exergue Z. Attractive. 2,91 g. EBC-.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1039
(296-297 A.D.). Constantius I, Chlorus. Heraclea. Follis. (Spink 14061) (Co. 89) (RIC. 18a). Obv.: FL. VAL. CONSTANTIVS NOB. CAES. His head laureate. Rev.: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Genius with modius on head standing left, holding patera and cornucopia, in exergue HTG. Full original silver plating. Nice. 10,58 g. EBC/EBC-.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1040
(304-305 A.D.). Constantius I, Chlorus. Alexandria. Follis. (Spink 14078) (Co. 150) (RIC. 40). Obv.: FL. VAL. CONSTANTIVS NOB. CAES. His head laureate. Rev.: HERCVLI (V)ICTORI. Hercules standing left, with club, apples and lion skin, in field S-P/-, in exergue ALE. Some of the silver-plating. Nice. 9,28 g. EBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1041
(297-298 A.D.). Galerius Maximianus. Heraclea. Follis. (Spink 14372) (Co. 78) (RIC. 20b). Obv.: GAL. VAL. MAXIMIANVS NOB. CAES. His head laureate. Rev.: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Genius with modius on head standing left, holding patera and cornucopia, in exergue HTA. Full original silver plating. Nice. 10,82 g. EBC.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1042
(296-297 A.D.). Galerius Maximianus. Alexandria. Follis. (Spink 14384) (Co. 90) (RIC. 21b). Obv.: GAL. VAL. MAXIMIANVS NOB. CAES. His head laureate. Rev.: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Genius with modius on head standing left, holding patera and cornucopia, eagle at his feet, in field B, in exergue ALE. Nice. 10,48 g. EBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1043
(310 A.D.). Galeria Valeria. Heraclea. Follis. (Spink 14594) (Co. 2) (RIC. 50). Obv.: GAL. VALERIA AVG. Her bust diademed and draped. Rev.: VENERI VICTRICI. Venus standing left, holding apple and holding up her dress, in field °, in exergue HTD. Nice. 7,49 g. EBC+/EBC.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1044
(305-306 A.D.). Severus II. Treveri. Copper denarius. (Spink 14650) (Co. 78) (RIC. 685a). Obv.: SEVERVS NOB. C. His head laureate. Rev.: VOT./X/CAESS. in laurel wreath. Rare. 1,27 g. MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1045
(311 A.D.). Romulus. Rome. Follis. (Spink 15047) (Co. 10) (RIC. 256). Obv.: IMP. MAXENTIVS DIVO ROMVLO N. V. FILIO. His bust bare-headed. Rev.: AETERNAE MEMORIAE. Hexastyle sepulcher of Romulus, surmounted by eagle, in exergue REP. Very scarce. 6,40 g. MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1046
(309-310 A.D.). Romulus. Rome. 1/3 follis. (Spink 15053) (Co. 7) (RIC. 239). Obv.: DIVO ROMVLO N. V. BIS. CONS. His bust bare-headed. Rev.: AETERNAE MEMORIAE. Sepulcher of Romulus, surmounted by eagle, in exergue RP. Very scarce. 2,37 g. MBC.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1047
(313 A.D.). Licinius father. Siscia. Follis. (Spink 15249) (Co. 123) (RIC. 234a). Obv.: IMP. LIC. LICINIVS P. F. AVG. His bust laureate, draped and cuirassed. Rev.: IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG. NN. Jupiter standing left, holding Nike on globe and scepter, eagle at his feet with laurel wreath in the beak, in field B, in exergue SIS. Nice. 4,13 g. EBC+. Ex UBS 19/09/1990, no. 495.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1048
(310-313 A.D.). Constantine I. Treveri. Follis. (Spink 16125) (Co. 514) (RIC. 893). Obv.: CONSTANTINVS P. F. AVG. His bust laureate and cuirassed. Rev.: SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Sol. Very beautiful. 4,45 g. S/C-. Ex Aureo 03/20/1991, no. 167.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1049
(317-318 A.D.). Constantine II. Treveri. AE 20. (Spink 17135) (Co. 143) (RIC. 172). Obv.: FL. CL. CONSTANTINVS IVN. N. C. His bust draped and cuirassed. Rev.: PRINCIPI!IVVENTVTIS. Constantine in military outfit standing, holding transverse spear and globe, in field F-T, in exergue !ATR. Nice. 4,26 g. EBC+. Ex Aureo 12/17/1997, no. 3241.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1049A
(355 A.D.). Constantius II. Sirmium. Solidus. (Spink 17750 var) (Co. 117 var) (RIC. missing). Obv.: FL. IV. (sic) CONSTANTIVS P. F. AVG. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, with spear over shoulder and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: GLORIA REIPVBLICAE. Roma and Constantinople seated, holding between them an inscribed shield VOT./XXX/MVLT./XXXX, in exergue SIR. (sic). Probable barbarous imitation. Nice. Very rare. 4,29 g. EBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1050
(351-352 A.D.). Constantius II. Cyzicus. AE 23. (Spink 18166) (Co. 46) (RIC. 92). Obv.: D. N. CONSTANTIVS P. F. AVG. His bust diademed, draped and cuirassed. Rev.: FEL. TEMP. REPARATIO. Soldier to left lancing a fallen enemy on his horse, in field G, in exergue SMKD. Some of its original silver plating. Nice. 5,36 g. EBC.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1051
(367 A.D.). Valens. Nicomedia. Solidus. (Spink. 19556) (Co. 32) (RIC. 2d5). Obv.: D. N. VALENS P. F. AVG. His bust diademed, draped and cuirassed. Rev.: RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE. Valens standing in military outfit, holding labarum and nike on globe, in exergue SMNI. Nice. 4,45 g. EBC. Ex Aureo & Calico 10/16/2019, no. 140.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1052
(457-468 A.D.). Leo I. Constantinople. Solidus. (Spink 21404) (Ratto 250) (RIC. 605). Obv.: D. N. LEO PERPET. AVG. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, with spear over shoulder and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. I. Victory standing left, holding a large cross, star in field, in exergue CONOB. Light hairlines on obverse. Nice. 4,41 g. EBC-.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1053
(476-491 A.D.). Zeno. Constantinople. Solidus. (Spink 21514) (Ratto 284) (RIC. 929). Obv.: D. N. ZENO PERP. AVG. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, with spear over shoulder and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. I. Victory standing left, holding a large cross, star in field, in exergue CONOB. 4,45 g. MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1054
Anastasius (491-518). Constantinople. Tremissis. (Ratto 327) (S. 8). Obv.: D. N. ANASTASIVS PP. AVG. His bust diademed, draped and cuirassed. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM. Victory advancing, head turned back left, holding wreath and globus cruciger, star in field, in exergue CONOB. 1,48 g. MBC+.
Aureo & Calicó, S.L. - Auction 433 . 1055
Justinian I (527-565). Constantinople. Solidus. (Ratto 455 var) (S. 140). Obv.: D. N. IVSTINIANVS PP. AVG. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, holding globus cruciger and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Z. Victory standing facing, holding a staff topped by Chi-Rho and globus cruciger, star in field, in exergue CONOB. Encapsulated. Attractive. 4,47 g. EBC-.