AI Recommendation
Based on the data provided, the coin in question has had an average closing price of 132.92 euros in previous auctions. Additionally, it has been auctioned a total of 183 times in the past, with an average starting price of 89.4 euros.
Taking into account that the condition of the coin on this occasion is 70 (VF+), and considering that in the past it has reached closing prices of up to 260 euros with a condition of 95, and that the highest estimated price was 400 euros with a condition of 95, we could estimate a maximum purchase price for this coin in the current auction.
Given that the condition of the coin on this occasion is 70 (VF+), and considering the previous prices and the frequency with which it has been auctioned, I believe that an estimated maximum purchase price for this coin in the current auction could be around 180-220 euros. It is important to note that the final price may vary depending on the demand at the auction and other factors that may influence buyers' decisions.