Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI

Date: 2024-03-11

# Items: 1066

Total starting: 125646

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2496 Numistats ref: 643209

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 2 pence. 1797. Soho (Birmingham). (Km-619 var.). (Spink-3776 var.). Ae. 54,75 g. Edge of different metal. Proof?. VF. Est...200,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 2 pence. 1797. Soho (Birmingham). (Km-619 var.). (Spink-3776 var.). Ae. 54,75 g. Canto de diferente metal. ¿Prueba?. MBC. Est...200,00.
MBC Grade
100 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2497 Numistats ref: 643210

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 6 pence. 1787. (Km-606.2). Ag. 3,02 g. Choice VF. Est...45,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 6 pence. 1787. (Km-606.2). Ag. 3,02 g. MBC+. Est...45,00.
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
45 EUR Estimate
30 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2498 Numistats ref: 643211

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 6 pence. 1816. London. (Km-665). Ag. Slabbed by PCGS as MS 64. This coin is exempt from any export license fee. Est...150,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 6 pence. 1816. Londres. (Km-665). Ag. Brillo original. Encapsulada por PCGS como MS 64. Lote exento de tasas de exportación. Est...150,00.
- Grade
60 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2499 Numistats ref: 643212

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 1 dollar. 1804. (Km-Tn1). (S-3769). Ag. 26,84 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...350,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 1 dollar. 1804. (Km-Tn1). (S-3769). Ag. 26,84 g. EBC-/MBC+. Est...350,00.
ebc- Grade
200 EUR Starting
350 EUR Estimate
230 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2500 Numistats ref: 643213

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 3 shillings. 1814. BANK TOKEN. (S-3770). (Km-Tn5). (Esc-422). Ag. 14,69 g. Defect on obverse. Sharply struck. Plenty of original luster. Mint state. Est...250,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 3 shillings. 1814. BANK TOKEN. (S-3770). (Km-Tn5). (Esc-422). Ag. 14,69 g. Leve defecto en anverso. Acuñación con detalles perfectamente definidos. Pleno brillo original. SC. Est...250,00.
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
250 EUR Estimate
170 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2501 Numistats ref: 643214

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 1/2 sovereign. 1817. (Km-673). (Fr-372). Au. 4,01 g. Original luster. Almost MS. Est...600,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 1/2 sovereign. 1817. (Km-673). (Fr-372). Au. 4,01 g. Brillo original. SC-. Est...600,00.
- Grade
300 EUR Starting
600 EUR Estimate
1400 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2502 Numistats ref: 643215

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George IV. 1 sovereign. 1821. London. (Km-682). (S-3800). Au. 7,95 g. With some original luster remaining. Beautiful colour. Minor nick on edge. Rare in this condition. XF. Est...1200,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George IV. 1 sovereign. 1821. Londres. (Km-682). (S-3800). Au. 7,95 g. Pequeños restos de brillo original. Bonito color. Mínimo golpecito en el canto. Rara en esta conservación. EBC. Est...1200,00.
EBC Grade
500 EUR Starting
1200 EUR Estimate
850 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2503 Numistats ref: 643216

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. (Km-634). (S-3765A). 26,77 g. Bank of England oval counterstamp with the face of George III for circulation of 5 shillings, made in 1795 on a 8 reales minted in 1795 for Mexico during the reign of Charles IV. This counterstamp brought a latent discontent among the English people, given that one real of a 8 stamped was equivalent to a crown minus three pennies, namely 4 shillings and 9 pennies (1 crown = 5 shillings; 1 shilling = 12 pennies). It generated some humorous phrases such as "The Bank (of England) in order to make its money pass, stamped the head of a fool on the neck of an ass". Knock on edge. Choice VF. Est...500,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. (Km-634). (S-3765A). 26,77 g. Resello oval del Banco de Inglaterra con el rostro de George III para circular por valor de 5 shillings, realizado en 1795 sobre una moneda de 8 reales acuñada en 1795 por la ceca de México durante el reinado de Carlos IV. Este resello trajo un malestar latente en el pueblo ingles, dado que un real de a 8 resellado equivalía a una corona menos tres peniques, Concretamente a 4 shilling y 9 peniques (1 corona = 5 shilling; 1 shilling = 12 peniques). Generó algunas frases humorísticas como "El Banco (de Inglaterra) para hacer pasar su dinero, estampó la cabeza de un tonto en el cuello de un asno". Golpe en el canto. MBC+. Est...500,00.
MBC+ Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
400 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2504 Numistats ref: 643217

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Token (1 penny). 1811. Warwickshire. (Withers-245). (Davis-95). Anv.: ROSE COPPER COMPANY - TOKEN 1811. Rev.: BIRMINGHAM AND SWANSEA - ONE PENNY. Ae. 26,54 g. Hairline on obverse. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Token (1 penny). 1811. Warwickshire. (Withers-245). (Davis-95). Anv.: ROSE COPPER COMPANY - TOKEN 1811. Rev.: BIRMINGHAM AND SWANSEA - ONE PENNY. Ae. 26,54 g. Rayita en anverso. Escasa. MBC+. Est...50,00.
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2505 Numistats ref: 643218

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. Florin. 1878. (Km-746.2). Ag. 11,34 g. Light stains on obverse. Almost XF/XF. Est...75,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. Florin. 1878. (Km-746.2). Ag. 11,34 g. Manchitas en anverso. EBC-/EBC. Est...75,00.
ebc- Grade
40 EUR Starting
75 EUR Estimate
90 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2506 Numistats ref: 643219

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. Florin. 1883. London. (Km-746.4). Ag. 11,27 g. Minimal hairlines. XF/AU. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. Florin. 1883. Londres. (Km-746.4). Ag. 11,27 g. Suaves rayitas en anverso. EBC/EBC+. Est...90,00.
EBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
190 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2507 Numistats ref: 643220

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1844. (Km-741). (S-3882). Ag. 28,15 g. Cleaned. Almost VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1844. (Km-741). (S-3882). Ag. 28,15 g. Limpiada. MBC-. Est...90,00.
MBC- Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
Match manually

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2508 Numistats ref: 643221

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1888. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,23 g. XF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1888. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,23 g. EBC. Est...120,00.
EBC Grade
70 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
130 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2509 Numistats ref: 643222

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,18 g. Cleaned. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,18 g. Limpiada. MBC+. Est...90,00.
MBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
70 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2510 Numistats ref: 643223

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,30 g. Patina. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...60,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,30 g. Pátina. MBC+/EBC-. Est...60,00.
MBC+/EBC- Grade
30 EUR Starting
60 EUR Estimate
55 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2511 Numistats ref: 643224

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,24 g. Cleaned. Almost XF. Est...75,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1889. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,24 g. Limpiada. EBC-. Est...75,00.
ebc- Grade
40 EUR Starting
75 EUR Estimate
70 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2512 Numistats ref: 643225

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. Double florin. 1890. (Km-763). Ag. 22,61 g. Delicate cleaning. It retains some luster. AU. Est...150,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. Doble florin. 1890. (Km-763). Ag. 22,61 g. Suave limpieza. Restos de brillo original. EBC+. Est...150,00.
EBC+ Grade
100 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2513 Numistats ref: 643226

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1890. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,14 g. Minor nicks on edge. Patina. VF. Est...50,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1890. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,14 g. Golpecitos en el canto. Pátina. MBC. Est...50,00.
MBC Grade
20 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
50 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2514 Numistats ref: 643227

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1891. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,15 g. Soft tone. Almost XF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1891. (Km-765). (S-3921). Ag. 28,15 g. Ligeramente limpiada. Suave tono. EBC-. Est...90,00.
ebc- Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
65 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2515 Numistats ref: 643228

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. Victoria Queen. 1 crown. 1893. (Km-783). (S-3937). Ag. 28,26 g. Year LVI on edge. Choice VF. Est...75,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. Victoria. 1 crown. 1893. (Km-783). (S-3937). Ag. 28,26 g.  Año LVI en canto. MBC+. Est...75,00.
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
75 EUR Estimate
75 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found