Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI

Date: 2024-03-11

# Items: 1066

Total starting: 125646

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2814 Numistats ref: 643529

No match
Portugal Category
Portugal. D. Carlos I (1889-1908). 1000 Reis. 1899. (Km-540). (Gomes-13.01). Ag. 24,90 g. Minor contact marks. Original luster. XF/AU. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Portugal. D. Carlos I (1889-1908). 1000 Reis. 1899. (Km-540). (Gomes-13.01). Ag. 24,90 g. Pequeñas marcas. Brillo original. EBC/EBC+. Est...80,00.
EBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2067 Numistats ref: 642773

No match
Australia Category
Australia. Elizabeth II (1952-2022). 1 dollar. 2003. Perth. (Km-665). Ag. 31,72 g. Year of the Goat. PROOF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Australia. Elizabeth II (1952-2022). 1 dollar. 2003. Perth. (Km-665). Ag. 31,72 g. Año de la Cabra. PROOF. Est...80,00.
- Grade
40 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2598 Numistats ref: 643310

No match
French Indochina Category
French Indochina. Piastra. 1886. Paris. A. (Km-5). Ag. 27,06 g. VF/Almost VF. Est...80,00.

Spanish description: Indochina Francesa. Piastra. 1886. París. A. (Km-5). Ag. 27,06 g. MBC/MBC-. Est...80,00.
MBC- Grade
40 EUR Starting
80 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2784 Numistats ref: 643499

No match
Portugal Category
Portugal. D. Joao I (1385-1433). 1/2 real of 10 Soldos. Lisbon. L. (Gomes-No cita). Anv.: + ADI(VTOR)IVM ⁑ NOSTRVM. Rev.: + IhNS ⁑ DEI ⁑ GRA ⁑ REX ⁑ POR. Bi. 1,17 g. Rare legend on reverse. Rare. Choice VF. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Portugal. D. Joao I (1385-1433). 1/2 real de 10 Soldos. Lisboa. L. (Gomes-No cita). Anv.: + ADI(VTOR)IVM ⁑ NOSTRVM. Rev.: + IhNS ⁑ DEI ⁑ GRA ⁑ REX ⁑ POR. Ve. 1,17 g. Rara leyenda en reverso. Rara. MBC+. Est...90,00.
MBC+ Grade
50 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2964 Numistats ref: 643681

No match
Venezuela Category
Venezuela. 5 bolivares. 1876. Paris. A. (Km-Y16). Ag. 24,36 g. Scarce. F/Choice F. Est...90,00.

Spanish description: Venezuela. 5 bolívares. 1876. París. A. (Km-Y16). Ag. 24,36 g. Escasa. BC/BC+. Est...90,00.
BC+ Grade
60 EUR Starting
90 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 3004 Numistats ref: 643721

No match
Medals Category
Vatican. Medal. 18th Century. Rome. Anv.: Image of the Virgin, with a circular halo and the Child in her lap, on the roof of the Holy House of Nazareth, miraculously transported by angels from Tersatz, ancient Dalmatia, to Loreto.. Rev.: Representation of the holy doors of the four Roman patriarchal basilicas, surmounted by the effigies of the titular saints of each basilica; St. Peter of the Vatican, St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran and St. Paul Outside the Walls; in exergue INTROIT·PORTAS - ·EIVS· Image of the Virgin, with a circular halo and the Child in her lap, on the roof of the Holy House of Nazareth, miraculously transported by angels from Tersatz, ancient Dalmatia, to Loreto.. Ae. 45mm. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Vaticano. Medalla. Siglo XVIII. Roma. Anv.: Imagen de la Virgen, con halo circular y el Niño en su regazo, sobre el tejado de la Santa Casa de Nazareth, transportada milagrosamente por ángeles desde Tersatz, antigua Dalmacia, a Loreto. Rev.: Representación de las puertas santas de las cuatro basílicas patriarcales romanas, sobremontadas de las efigies de los santos titulares de cada basílica; S. Pedro del Vaticano, Santa María la Mayor, S. Juan de Letrán y S. Pablo Extramuros; en exergo INTROIT·PORTAS -  ·EIVS·. Ae. 45mm. Est...100,00.
EF Grade
50 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2792 Numistats ref: 643507

No match
Portugal Category
Portugal. D. Joao IV (1640-1656). Vintém. (Gomes-11.04). Ag. 1,15 g. VF. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Portugal. D. Joao IV (1640-1656). Vintém. (Gomes-11.04). Ag. 1,15 g. MBC. Est...100,00.
MBC Grade
70 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2661 Numistats ref: 643375

No match
Italy Category
Italy. Papal States. Paulus IV. Giulio. 1555-1559. Rome. (Muntoni-16). Ag. 2,65 g. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Italia. Estados Papales. Pablo IV. Giulio. 1555-1559. Roma. (Muntoni-16). Ag. 2,65 g. MBC-. Est...100,00.
MBC- Grade
80 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2166 Numistats ref: 642876

No match
China Category
China. Kwang-Tung. 20 cash. Year 18 (1929). (Km-Y426). (L&M-158). Ag. Slabbed by NGC as UNC Details. Cleaned . Est...100,00.

Spanish description: China. Kwang-Tung. 20 cash. Año 18 (1929). (Km-Y426). (L&M-158). Ag. Encapsulada por NGC como UNC Details. Limpiada. Est...100,00.
- Grade
50 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2432 Numistats ref: 643144

No match
France Category
France. Louis Philippe (1830-1848). 5 francs. 1830. Rouen. B. (Km-735.2). (Gad-676). Ag. 24,74 g. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...100,00.

Spanish description: Francia. Louis Philippe (1830-1848). 5 francs. 1830. Rouen. B. (Km-735.2). (Gad-676). Ag. 24,74 g. Escasa. MBC-. Est...100,00.
MBC- Grade
50 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2222 Numistats ref: 642934

No match
Colombia Category
Colombia. 1 decimo de real. 1848. (Km-101). (Restrepo-171.2). Au. 10,03 g. Minor nicks on edge. Minor planchet flaw. Choice VF. Est...110,00.

Spanish description: Colombia. 1 décimo de real. 1848. (Km-101). (Restrepo-171.2). Au. 10,03 g. Golpecitos en el canto. Hojita. MBC+. Est...110,00.
MBC+ Grade
75 EUR Starting
110 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2015 Numistats ref: 642703

No match
Germany Category
Germany. Bayern. Maximilian III Josef. Taler. 1770. Amberg. A. (Km-519.2). (Dav-1954). Ag. 27,94 g. Strike scratches. Toned. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Alemania. Bavaria. Maximilian III Josef. Taler. 1770. Amberg. A. (Km-519.2). (Dav-1954). Ag. 27,94 g. Rayas de acuñación en reverso. Pátina. MBC+. Est...120,00.
MBC+ Grade
80 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2760 Numistats ref: 643475

No match
Low Countries Category
Low Countries. Jeton. 1577. (Dugn-2720). Anv.: CALCVLI ORDINVM BELGII. Boat sailing left, up PORT- SALV. Rev.: CVM PIETATE CONCORDIA 1577. Two clasped hands with three hearts under a crown. Ae. 4,44 g. Peace Negociations. Almost XF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Países Bajos. Jetón. 1577. (Dugn-2720). Anv.: CALCVLI ORDINVM BELGII. Barco navegando hacia la izquierda, arriba PORT- SALV. Rev.: CVM PIETATE CONCORDIA 1577. Dos manos estrechadas con tres corazones bajo una corona. Ae. 4,44 g. Mediación hacia la paz. EBC-. Est...120,00.
ebc- Grade
60 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2587 Numistats ref: 643303

No match
British India Category
British India. George V. 2 annas. 1911. Calcutta. (Km-514). Ag. 1,46 g. Scarce. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: India Británica. George V. 2 annas. 1911. Calcutta. (Km-514). Ag. 1,46 g. Escasa. MBC+. Est...120,00.
MBC+ Grade
90 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2664 Numistats ref: 643378

No match
Italy Category
Italy. Papal States. Urbanus VIII Barberini (1623-1644). Testone. 1632. Rome. A. (Muntoni-53). Ag. 9,39 g. Scarce. Almost VF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Italia. Estados Papales. Urbano VIII Barberini (1623-1644). Testone. 1632. Roma. A. (Muntoni-53). Ag. 9,39 g. Escasa. MBC-. Est...120,00.
MBC- Grade
80 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2666 Numistats ref: 643380

No match
Italy Category
Italy. Papal States. Clemente XI. Giulio. 1703. Rome. (Km-661). (Muntoni-110). Ag. 2,98 g. Beautiful patina. Choice VF. Est...120,00.

Spanish description: Italia. Estados Papales. Clemente XI. Giulio. 1703. Roma. (Km-661). (Muntoni-110). Ag. 2,98 g. Bonita pátina. MBC+. Est...120,00.
MBC+ Grade
90 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2148 Numistats ref: 642858

No match
Ceylon Category
Ceylon. Dutch Colonies. 2 stuivers. 1788. (Scholten-1336c). Ae. 29,93 g. Choice VF. Est...150,00.

Spanish description: Ceilán. Colonias Holandesas. 2 stuivers. 1788. (Scholten-1336c). Ae. 29,93 g. MBC+. Est...150,00.
MBC+ Grade
80 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2496 Numistats ref: 643209

No match
Great Britain Category
Great Britain. George III (1760-1820). 2 pence. 1797. Soho (Birmingham). (Km-619 var.). (Spink-3776 var.). Ae. 54,75 g. Edge of different metal. Proof?. VF. Est...200,00.

Spanish description: Gran Bretaña. George III (1760-1820). 2 pence. 1797. Soho (Birmingham). (Km-619 var.). (Spink-3776 var.). Ae. 54,75 g. Canto de diferente metal. ¿Prueba?. MBC. Est...200,00.
MBC Grade
100 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2667 Numistats ref: 643381

No match
Italy Category
Italy. Papal States. Benedictus XIII. Grosso. 1729 - Anno VI. Rome. (Muntoni-18). (Km-815). Ag. 1,48 g. Toned. Almost XF. Est...200,00.

Spanish description: Italia. Estados Papales. Benedicto XIII. Grosso. 1729 - Anno VI. Roma. (Muntoni-18). (Km-815). Ag. 1,48 g. Tono. EBC-. Est...200,00.
ebc- Grade
90 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - Auction 140 – World Coins Vol. XVI . 2007 Numistats ref: 642695

No match
Germany Category
Germany. Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel. 2/3 taler. 1695. HCH. (Km-615). (Dav-332). Ag. 17,27 g. Slightly cleaned. Almost XF. Est...220,00.

Spanish description: Alemania. Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel. 2/3 taler. 1695. HCH. (Km-615). (Dav-332). Ag. 17,27 g. Ligeramente limpiada. EBC-. Est...220,00.
ebc- Grade
150 EUR Starting
220 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found