Governors. Early times of the conquest. Fals. (Fro. II-f, same example). Overstruck on a roman follis of Maximianus Herculius. Rare. 2,61 g. MBC.
Governors. Contemporary counterfeits. Early times of the conquest. Transitional issues in Latin. Indiction dinar. Contemporary counterfeit made of copper that, as indicated in the Tonegawa Collection, preserves a tiny trace of the gold that covered it, on the star of the reverse. Rare. 2,49 g. BC+.
Governors. Contemporary counterfeits. AH 103. Post-reform type. Al Andalus. Dirhem. Contemporary counterfeit coin, with low silver content, with a later epigraphic style. Slightly clipped flan and holed. Rare. 1,86 g. (MBC-).
Gobernadores. Moneda de Ifrikiya contemporánea
Governors. Contemporary Ifriqiya coin. North african coinages of this period. Tlemcen. Fals. (Walker figure VII P.127, page 240). Type that Trent Jonson calls "roman/neopunic" (pages 447 and 448), assigned to the transitional series in North Africa. Green patina. Ex Gaspariño collection. Very rare. 2,36 g. BC+.
Emirate. AH 145. Abd al-Rahman I. Al Andalus. Dirhem. (Fro. 1). Extremely rare. 2,89 g. MBC+.*This item cannot be exported (it has been declared BIC).Daniel Eustache, on "Hesperis-Tamuda" no. 19 (1980), published the first information on this early date, at that time the oldest known of the Umayyad Emirs of al-Andalus, the example he commented on came from the excavations carried out in 1951 in the ruins of Volubilis, in northern Morocco. Our firm auctioned a similar dirham, in silver-plated copper, in December 1996, the one we present today is, probably, the third known example, of excellent metal and in a magnificent state.
Emirate. AH 148. Abd al-Rahman I. Al Andalus. Dirhem. (V. 46) (Fro. 1). This date, the first of the Emirate known by Codera and Vives, is very rare. 2,69 g. MBC-.
Emirate. AH 184. Al-Hakam I. Al Andalus. Dirhem. (V. 82) (Fro. 1). Slight surface incrustations of chlorargyrite. Very scarce. 2,68 g. MBC+/EBC-.