Taifas. Hammundids. AH (--)5. Idris II ibn Yahya. Al Andalus. Dirhem. The date, of which only the units were engraved, could be AH 435 (as No. 57 of the "Suplemento") or 445 (as V. 830), in both cases the central areas are the same. (Prieto 92 and 96). 3,75 g. MBC+.
Taifas. Hammundids. AH 438. Idris II ibn Yahya. Al Andalus. Dirhem. (Prieto "Suplemento" 58, same example) (Ariza IdII3.1, page 267, same example). Extremely rare. 2,70 g. MBC.
Taifas. Hammundids. AH 446. Idris II ibn Yahya. Al Andalus. Dirhem. (Ariza IdII10.1, page 278, same example). Obv.: @?cv! ®? / @{8z. Clipped flan by 30%, but clear date. Very rare. 2,01 g. MBC-.
Taifas. Hammundids. s/d. Muhammad Ibn Idris. Madinat al Andalus. Dirhem. (V. 858) (Prieto "Suplemento" 62, same example) (Ariza Mu3.6). In this coin, "Madinat al Andalus" should be understood as "Malaga", as indicated in the "Suplemento" to Prieto, Vives considered it as "uncertain mint" because he could only read "Madinat". 2,85 g. MBC-.
Taifas. Fas, after the Cordoba revolution. Mu'izz Ibn Ziri, in the name of Sulayman al-Musta'in. Al Andalus, but coinage Fas. Dirhem. (Prieto "Suplemento" 73, same example). Rev.: Fc{v!. Mint written as Hv??! by mistake. Minted by al-Muizz Ibn Ziri, as the name indicates under the reverse. Date not visible. Carelessly struck. 3,25 g. MBC.