#80. Online Coin Auction

Date: 2023-03-22

# Items: 2287

Total starting: 246600

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ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1543 Numistats ref: 625072

Amadeo I Authority
5 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 5 References
Centenario de la Peseta Category
AMADEO I (1871-1873). 5 Pesetas. (Ar. 24,72g/38mm). 1871 *18-71. Madrid SDM. (Cal-2019-1). Variante columna derecha corta. MBC. Description
MBC Grade
30 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
1 Upcoming auctions
246 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1800 Numistats ref: 625329

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
BRASIL. 40 Reis (Ae. 14,26g/35mm). 1821. Río de Janeiro R. (Km#319.1). EBC. Preciosa pátina irisada. Description
EBC Grade
25 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 12 Numistats ref: 623541

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
CARIA, Euromos. Hemióbolo. (Ar. 0,43g/10mm). 450-400 a.C. (SNG Kayhan 754). Anv: Parte delantera de jabalí a derecha. Rev: Cabeza barbada de Lepsynos a derecha. MBC-. Escaso ejemplar. Description
MBC- Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1551 Numistats ref: 625080

Alfonso XII Authority
5 Céntimos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 4 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 71 References
Centenario de la Peseta Category
ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 5 Céntimos. (Cu. 5,17g/25mm). 1877. Barcelona OM. (Cal-2019-4). EBC. Description
EBC Grade
35 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
71 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1808 Numistats ref: 625337

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
CANADÁ. 5 Dollars (Ar. 31,28g/38mm). 2003. Serie de la Buena Fortuna. Arce en Holograma. PROOF. Incluye estuche original y certificado de autenticidad. Description
- Grade
25 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1819 Numistats ref: 625348

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
EGIPTO. 1 Libra. (Ar. 24,97g/40mm). 1970. Último año de presidencia de Gamal Abdel Nasser. (Km#425). SC. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 540 Numistats ref: 624069

Domitian Authority
As Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.2_1(2).dom.487 RIC 487 References
Imperio Romano Category
DOMICIANO. As. (Ae. 11,13g/27mm). 86 d.C. Roma. (RIC 487). Anv: Cabeza laureada de Domiciano a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS PERP P P. Rev: Fortuna estante a izquierda portando timón y cornucopia, entre: S-C, alrededor leyenda: FORTVNAE AVGVSTI. MBC-. Description
MBC- Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
3 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1822 Numistats ref: 625351

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1 Dollar (Ar. 26,73g/38mm)*. 1921. Philadelphia. (Km#110). AU 58. Encapsulado por PCGS. *Peso y medida teórico. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
1260 Past auctions
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All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
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ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 800 Numistats ref: 624329

No match
Imperio Romano Category
DIOCLECIANO. Follis. (Ae. 9,90g/29mm). 296-297 d.C. Heraclea. (RIC 19a). Anv: Cabeza laureada de Diocleciano a derecha, alrededor leyenda: IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG. Rev: Genio estante a izquierda portando patera y cornucopia, en exergo: HTA, alrededor leyenda: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. MBC. Description
MBC Grade
30 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1824 Numistats ref: 625353

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1 Dollar. (Ar. 26,83g/38mm). 1921. Philadelphia. (Km#110). EBC. Bonito tono. Description
EBC Grade
20 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
1260 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 2080 Numistats ref: 625609

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
PORTUGAL. 1000 Reis (Ar. 24,94g/37mm). 1899. D. Carlos I. (Gomes 13.01). EBC. Rayitas de limpieza. Description
EBC Grade
25 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1826 Numistats ref: 625355

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1 Dollar. (Ar. 26,77g/38mm). 1921. Filadelfia. (Km#110). MBC+/EBC-. Marquitas en anverso. Limpiada. Description
MBC+/EBC- Grade
20 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
1260 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1571 Numistats ref: 625100

Alfonso XII Authority
5 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 41 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 30 References
Centenario de la Peseta Category
ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 5 Pesetas. (Ar. 25,04g/37mm). 1878 *18-78. Madrid EMM. (Cal-2019-41). MBC+. Description
MBC+ Grade
30 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
76 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1827 Numistats ref: 625356

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 150 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1 Dollar (Ar. 26,82g/38mm). 1922. Filadelfia. (Km#150). MBC+. Description
MBC+ Grade
15 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
199 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1829 Numistats ref: 625358

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 150 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 1 Dollar (Ar. 26,76g/38mm). 1927. San Francisco S. (Km#150). MBC+. Description
MBC+ Grade
25 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
199 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 42 Numistats ref: 623571

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
MOESIA, Istros. Moneda tipo flecha. (Ae. 5,06g/45mm). Siglo VI-Siglo V a.C. (SNG BM Black Sea 218). MBC+. Description
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1579 Numistats ref: 625108

Alfonso XII Authority
5 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 62 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 42 References
Centenario de la Peseta Category
ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 5 pesetas. (Ar. 25,15g/37mm). 1885 *18-87. Madrid MSM. (Cal-2019-62). MBC+. Restos de brillo original. Description
MBC+ Grade
30 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
208 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 815 Numistats ref: 624344

No match
Imperio Romano Category
CONSTANCIO I. Antoniniano. (Ae. 3,09g/23mm). 296-299 d.C. Cícico. (RIC 19a). Anv: Busto radiado y con coraza de Constancio I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Rev: Constancio I recibiendo Victoria con corona de laurel de Júpiter, entre ellos: KB, alrededor leyenda: CONCORDIA MILITVM. MBC. Description
MBC Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 819 Numistats ref: 624348

No match
Imperio Romano Category
GALERIO. Antoniniano. (Ae. 3,26g/21mm). 295-299 d.C. Cícico. (RIC 18b). Anv: Busto radiado y drapeado de Galerio a derecha, alrededor leyenda: GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES. Rev: Galerio estante a derecha portando cetro y recibiendo Victoria con corona de laurel de Júpiter estante a izquierda portando lanza, entre ellos: KB, alrededor leyenda: CONCORDIA MILITVM. MBC+. Pátina verde. Description
MBC+ Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

ibercoin - #80. Online Coin Auction . 1590 Numistats ref: 625119

Alfonso XII Authority
50 Centavos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 124 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 86 References
Centenario de la Peseta Category
ALFONSO XII (1874-1885). 50 Centavos. (Ar. 12,89g/30mm). 1885. Manila. (Cal-2019-124). EBC-. Restos de brillo original. Description
ebc- Grade
40 EUR Starting
- Estimate
40 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
168 Past auctions
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Price recommendation