ALFONSO X (1252-1284). Obolo (Ve. 0.38g/14mm). No mint mark. (FAB-280). Obv: Castle within a square groove, around legend: CASTELLE. Rev: Lion to the left inside a square groove, around legend: LEGIONIS. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 993
SAINT IV (1284-1295). horned. (see 0.65g/19mm). Burgos. (FAB-296.3). Obv: Crowned bust left, legend around: SANCII REX. Rev: Castle with cross on central stem and mint mark B and six-pointed star, around legend: CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 994
SAINT IV (1284-1295). horned. (See. 0.67g/19mm). Coruna. (FAB-297.1; Imperatrix S4:3.45). Obv: Crowned bust of Sancho IV to left, around legend: SANCII REX. Rev: Castle with cross on stem between star and scallop, around legend: CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Almost Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 995
SAINT IV (1284-1295). Horned.(Ae. 0.57g/16mm). Burgos. (FAB-308.1?). Obv: Crowned bust of Sancho IV to left, around legend: SANCII REX. Rev: Cross with B lying down? In 1st quadrant and star in 4th quadrant, legend around: CASTELLE E LEGIONIS. Almost Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 996
SAINT IV (1284-1295). Meaja crowned. (See 0.64g/17mm). Canopy: (FAB-314). Obv: Crowned bust of Sancho IV to left, around legend: SANCII REX. Rev: Cross with star in 1st quadrant and T in 4th quadrant, legend around: CASTELLE LEGIONIS. Almost Extremely Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 997
ALFONSO XI (1312-1350). horned. (see 0.64g/19mm). Burgos. (FAB-335.1). Obv: Crowned bust of Alfonso XI to left, around legend: ALFONS REX. Rev: Castle, between the main tower B and star, around legend: CASTELLE ET LEGIONIS. Very Fine. Light perforation.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 998
PETER I (1350-1368). Real. (Ar. 3.42g/27mm). Sevilla. (FAB-380). Obv: P crowned and around circular legend in two lines: DOMINVS MICHI ADIVTOR ET EGO DISPICIAM INIMICOS MEOS. Rev: Quartering of castles and lions rampant to the left within a four-lobed groove, below S, around legend: PETRVS REX CASTELLE E LEGIONIS E. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1001
HENRY II (1368-1379). Noven (Ve. 0.77g/18mm). Burgos. (FAB-494). Obv: Castillo, below mintmark B, all within square groove. ENRICVS REX C. Rev.: Lion rampant and crowned left. Legend: REX DEI GRACI. Slight creasing and traces of verdigris. Variant by roel in front of the Lion. Very Fine. Rich fleece.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1002
HENRY II (1368-1379). They do not see. (Ae. 0.75g/19mm). Burgos. (FAB-494). Obv: Castle within square border, around legend: ENRICVS REX CA. Rev: Rampant lion left inside square border, around legend: ENRICVS REX LEG. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1003
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (see 1.28g/22mm). Burgos. (FAB-597). Obv: Castle, below B, all within a lobed border with dots on the corners, around legend: ENRICVS REI GRACIA REX. Rev: Rampant lion to the left inside a lobed border with points in the corners, around legend: ENRICVS REI GRACIA REX. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1004
HENRY III (1390-1406). 1/2 White. (see 1.14g/20mm). Sevilla. (FAB-597). Obv: Castle within lobular griffon, within mintmark B, around legend: ENRICVS REX CASTE. Rev: Rampant lion inside a lobular glyph, around legend: ENRICVS REX LEGIO. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1005
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (see 1.81g/23mm). Burgos. (FAB-597). Obv: Castle, below B, all within a lobed border with dots on the corners, around legend: ENRICVS REI GRACIA REX. Rev: Rampant lion left inside lobed border with dots on the corners, around legend: ENRICVS REX LEGIONIS ET. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1006
Henry III (1390-1406). White (Size 1.80g/24mm). S/D Sevilla. (FAB-602.1). Obv.: Castillo, below mintmark S all within lobular ridges. In legend: ENRICVS REX LEGIONI. Rev: Lion rampant to the left inside a lobular groove and in legend ENRICVS REX LEGIONI. Almost Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1007
HENRY III (1390-1406). White. (See 2.20g/25mm). Toledo. (FAB-603). Obv: Castle inside lobed gráfila, below mintmark B, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Lion rampant to the left inside a lobular groove, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1010
HENRY IV (1454-1474). 1/2 Real (Ar. 1.27g/20mm). Toledo. (FAB-702). Obv: EN crowned within a circular groove, around legend: ENRICVS REX CASTELLE. Rev: Castillo, below mintmark T, inside 4-lobed knurl, around legend: ENRICVS CARTVS DEI GRA. Very Fine. Hole. Limited.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1011
HENRY IV (1454-1474). Maravedi. (See. 2.41g/24mm). Sevilla. (FAB-806). Obv: Castle inside dotted groove, below mintmark S, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA. Rev: Rampant and crowned lion on the left, below pomegranate, all within dotted lines, around legend: ENRICVS CARTVS DEI GRA. Almost Very Fine. Cleaned.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1013
HENRY IV (1454-1474). Diamond white. (Ae. 1.26g/19mm). Avila. (FAB-827). Obv: Castle, below A, all within lozenge gráfila, around legend: ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev: Crowned rampant lion left inside lozenge embossing, legend around: XPS VINCIT SPX REGNAT. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1014
PHILIP II. Puguesa. (Ae. 4.83g/20mm). Lerida. (FAB-1461). Obv: Triple lily, around legend: PUGE SADE LE UDA. Rev: Tripe lily, around legend: PUGE SADE LE UDA. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1016
Set of 3 fleeces of different medieval kings and mints. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1017
Beautiful set of 5 medieval coins of different medieval kings, also includes an Arab dirham. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1018
CATHOLIC KINGS (1474-1504). White (Size 1.24g/18mm). S/D Basin. (Cal-2019-25). Very Fine.