#75. Online Coin Auction

Date: 2022-11-29

# Items: 2608

Total starting: 285120

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ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 559
NERO. Dichalkon. (Ae. 4.07g/15mm). 54-68 AD Syria, Seleucis and Pieria. (RPC 4294). Obv: Draped bust of Apollo right. Rev: Lira, around Greek legend. Almost Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 914
ALMOHADES, Anonymous. Dirham. (Ar. 1.59g/15mm). Tinmal or Tin-Mellal. (Vives does not quote; Hazard 1082). Almost Extremely Fine. Rare specimen.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1682
JUAN CARLOS I (1975-2014). 500 pesetas. FNMT tests. Commemorative case XXV Anniversary of the Wedding of the Kings Juan Carlos I and Sofía. The set includes 6 coins and a booklet Thus a coin is born. 1987. Uncirculated.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2450
UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 5 Bolivars. (Ar. 25.00g/37mm). 1910.Philadelphia. (Km#Y24.2). "ROUND 0" variant. Encapsulated NGC XF Details. Scratch .
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1683
JUAN CARLOS I (1975-2014). 500 pesetas. FNMT tests. Commemorative case XXV Anniversary of the Wedding of the Kings Juan Carlos I and Sofía. The set includes 6 coins and a booklet Thus a coin is born. 1987. Uncirculated.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2451
UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 5 Bolivars. (Ar. 25g/37mm). 1910. Paris. (Km#Y24.2). Encapsulated NGC AU Details. Stripes on the front.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 71
KINGS OF MACEDONIA, Philip III Arrhidaios. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 17.15g/27mm). 323-317 BC (Price P181; HGC 3.1, 973f). Obv: Head of Heracles with lion skin right. Rev: Zeus seated left holding eagle and scepter, under throne AY, in front M, around Greek legend. Extremely Fine. Two shear blows. Nice and scarce like that.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 916
ALMOHADES, Abu Hafs Omar al-Murtada. Multiple of 4 Dirhams. (Ar. 6.17g/21mm). Al-Hadrat al-Muminiya al-Murtadiya (Sejilmesa). (Cf. Hohertz (2018) A563 = Brethes 1074 where a specimen with the same distribution is cited, although with partial reading due to poor conservation and weighing 3 grams). Extremely Fine. Precious, unpublished and extremely rare specimen with the Kufic epigraphy very well cared for and maintaining its original shine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2452
UNITED STATES OF VENZUELA. 5 Bolivars. (Ar. 24.95g/37mm). 1921. Philadelphia. (Km#Y24.2). Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 427
Magnificent rest of the collection made up of more than 400 pieces from different periods of the Ancient World, reaching coinage from the Middle Ages. In the group, a good number of Iberian bronzes stands out, highlighting the Obulco, Iliberri and Cástulo mints. Hispano-Roman felus, low imperial bronzes and an interesting selection of Greek silver complete this wonderful set. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2197
ISRAEL. Nice set of 2 silver coins of 5 and 10 Lirot from 1973. High level of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 326
GADES (Cadiz). Semis. (Ae. 2.86g/18mm). 100-20 BC (FAB-1347). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion's skin left, nailed to the front. Rev: Two tuna to the left, between them crescent with a dot and Punic letter alef, between both Punic legend. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2454
UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 5 Bolivars. (Ar. 25.00g/37mm). 1929. Philadelphia. (Km#Y24.2). Variant 9 high. Encapsulated NGC AU Details. Scratch.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 74
MACEDONIA, Amphipolis. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.74g/30mm). 167-149 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1311). Obv: Diademed bust to right of Artemis carrying bow and quiver over left shoulder, all within shield with Macedonian decorations. Rev: Mace between Greek legend, on it AP monogram, all within an oak crown, to the right lightning. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 429
PRECOIN. heart type. (Ae. 10.71g/21mm). 6th century-4th century BC Central Italy. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2455
UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA. 5 Bolivars. (Ar. 25.00g/37mm). 1929. Philadelphia. (Km#Y24.2). Encapsulated NGC AU-55.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 920
CHRISTIAN IMITATION. Almohad dirham (Ar. 1.31g/16mm). Anonymous. Millares. without mint (Type Medina 201-bis). Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1944
UNITED STATES. 1 Dollar (Ar. 26.73g/38mm)*. 1921. Philadelphia. (Km#110). MS 67. Encapsulated by ANGS. *Theoretical weight and measure.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 76
MISIA, Gambrion. Be10. (Ae. 0.86g/10mm). 4th century BC (SNG Copenhagen 156). Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev: Bull charging left, star above. Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 683
GORDIAN III. Sesterce. (Ae. 15.37g/31mm). 241 AD Rome. (RIC 310). Obv: Laureate and draped bust of Gordian III right, around legend: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG. Rev: Felicitas standing left carrying caduceus and cornucopia, between Uncirculated, around legend: FELICITAS AVG. Almost Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 921
ALMOHADE TAIFAS. Anonymous. 1/3 Dirham. (Ar. 0.50g/12mm). (Vives does not quote; Hazard does not quote; Hohertz (2018) 662.). Obv: "al-hamdu lillah rubb al-'alamaiyn". Almost Very Fine. Very rare specimen. Two perforations repaired.