#75. Online Coin Auction

Date: 2022-11-29

# Items: 2608

Total starting: 285120

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ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2515
HUNGARY. Taler type medal. (Ar. 18.61g/41mm). Century XVIII. (Schnell 421). Molten silver. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 185
CARMO (Carmona, Sevilla). As. (Ae. 21.09g/33mm). 80 BC (FAB-454). Obv: Helmeted male head right, within laurel wreath. Rev: Two spikes to the right, between them legend: CARMO. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 197
CARTAGONOVA (Cartagena, Murcia). Tracing. (Ae. 9.69g/29mm). 220-215 BC(FAB-526). Obv: head of Athens with crested helmet left, before letter yod. Rev: Horse standing right. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1416
ELIZABETH II (1833-1868). Nice set made up of 10 coins of 4 Reales minted in the mints of Madrid, Sevilla and Barcelona. Just a repeated piece. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1214
CARLOS III (1759-1788). 1/2 Escudo (Au. 1.75g/15mm). 1783/2. Sevilla CF (Cal-2019-1313). Very Fine. Limited.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2517
From Athens to Barcelona. A Century of Olympic History. Collection made up of 25 solid silver and gold plated stamp replicas. 925 thousandth silver. Includes original box and certificate of authenticity. Edition of only 10 thousand units.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 594
TRAJAN. Sesterce. (Ae. 27.95g/34mm). 99 AD Rome. (RIC 399). Obv: Laureate head of Trajan right, around legend: IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M. Rev: Concordia seated left carrying patera on altar and cornucopia, exergue: Uncirculated, around legend: TR POT COS II P P. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 744
PROBUS. Antoninian. (Ae. 4.44g/24mm). 276-282 AD Ticinum. (RIC does not quote). Obv: Radiated and draped bust of Probus right, around legend: IMP CM AVR PROBVS AVG. Rev: Roma seated left on cuirass carrying spear and delivering Victory with laurel wreath to Probus standing right, exergue: QXXT, around legend: ROMAE AERTERN. Good Very Fine. Scarce copy.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2576
SPAIN. Interesting set of 30 coins (20 of them in silver) minted in the period between the Centenary of the Peseta and the Spanish State. 10 pieces of the Duro module stand out, none of them repeated. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 2082
UNITED STATES. 1 Dollar (Ar. 26.73g/38mm)*. 1899. New Orleans O. VAM-6 Micro O. TOP 100. (Km#110). cleaned. Encapsulated by NGC UNC Details. *Theoretical weight and measure.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 631
MARCUS AURELIUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 27.00g/33mm). 163-164 AD Rome. (RIC 871var). Obv: Head of Marcus Aurelius right, around legend: M AVREL standing AVG P M. Rev: Minerva standing left holding branch, spear and shield, between Uncirculated, around legend: TR P XVIII IMP II COS III. Very Fine. Scarce copy.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 300
EMERITA AUGUSTA (Merida, Badajoz). As. (Ae. 16.73g/28mm). 22 BC-14 AD (FAB-1007). Obv: Female head right, around legend: EMERITA AVGVSTA. Rev: Yoke left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Very Fine/ Almost Very Fine. Scarce copy.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1334
FERDINAND VII (1808-1833). 8 Reales. (Ar. 26.91g/40mm). 1809. Mexico TH. Imaginary bust. (Cal-2019-1308). Extremely Fine. Remnants of original shine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1342
FERDINAND VII (1808-1833). 8 Reales. (Ar. 26.92g/39mm). 1818. Sevilla CJ. (Cal-2019-1419). Laureate bust. Very Fine/ Good Very Fine. Patina.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1343
FERDINAND VII (1808-1833). 5 pesetas. (Ar. 26.31g/38mm). 1809. Tarragona. (Cal-2019-1429). Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 646
COMMODUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 27.88g/32mm). 184-185 AD Rome. (RIC 452). Obv: Laureate head of Commodus right, around legend: M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS BRIT. Rev: Victoria seated right on shields, inscribed on shield, between Uncirculated, in exergue: VICT BRIT, around legend: PM TR PX IMP VII COS IIII P P. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 543
MARK ANTONY. Denarius. (Ar. 3.67g/17mm). (FFC 32; Crawford 544/14). Obv: Praetorian galley right, around legend: ANT AVG III VIR RPC. Rev: Legionary eagle between two military insignia, including legend: LEG II. Good Very Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 560
NERO. Diassarion. (Ae. 7.68g/26mm). Thrace, Perinthus. 59-63 AD (RPC 1756). Obv: Diademed and draped bust of Poppea right, around Greek legend. Rev: Isis headdress between two Greek letters within a laurel wreath. Almost Very Fine/ Good Fine.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 73
MACEDONIA, Amphipolis. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 16.55g/33mm). 167-149 BC (SNG Copenhagen 1311). Obv: Diademed bust to right of Artemis carrying bow and quiver over left shoulder, all within shield with Macedonian decorations. Rev: Mace between Greek legend, on it AP monogram, all within an oak crown, to the right lightning. Good Very Fine. Nice specimen.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1455
CANTONAL REVOLUTION (1873-1874). 5 Pesetas (Ar. 25.81/37mm). 1873. Cartagena. (Cal-2019-11). Mismatched reverse. 86 Pearls on the obverse and 90 on the reverse. Almost Very Fine. Hits.
ibercoin - #75. Online Coin Auction . 1200
CARLOS III (1759-1788). 8 Reales. (Ar. 26.60g/38mm). 1766. Mexico MF. (Cal-2019-1090). Almost Very Fine.