Sicily, Syracuse Æ Litra. Time of Pyrrhos, 278-276 BC. Head of Herakles to left, wearing lion skin headdress; [ΣYPAKOΣIΩN] upwards before / Athena Promachos advancing to right, holding thunderbolt and shield; trident head to left. B&S Type 5; BAR Issue 52; CNS 177 Ds 69 Rs 109 corr. (no club); HGC 2, 1450. 10.39g, 24mm, 2h.
Good Very Fine; from dies of pleasant style.
From a private European collection.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 128
Sicily, Syracuse Æ Litra. Time of Pyrrhos, 278-276 BC. Head of Herakles to left, wearing lion skin headdress / Athena Promachos advancing to right, holding thunderbolt and shield; [Σ]YP[A]KOΣIΩN around. SNG ANS 852-858; HGC 2, 1450. 8.01g, 21mm, 2h.
Very Fine.
From a private European collection.
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Sicily, Syracuse Æ Obol. Time of Hieron II, circa 285-246 BC. Imitative issue in the types of Ptolemy II Philadelphos of Egypt. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, with wings spread; Galatian shield to left. CPE B289; Svoronos 610; Wolf & Lorber, 'Alexandrian' Style, P57-71; SNG Copenhagen 114. 16.72g, 26mm, 12h.
Very Fine.
From a private European collection.
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Sicily, Syracuse Ӕ Litra. Time of Hieron II, circa 274-216 BC. Wreathed head of Persephone to left; [ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ] before, uncertain symbol behind / Bull butting to left; club and T above, [IE] in exergue. SNG ANS 586-590; cf. SNG Copenhagen 867 (T, rather than TI); HGC 2, 1469. 4.37g, 19mm, 7h.
Good Very Fine; flan flaw to rev.
Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Sale 54, 28 February 2019, lot 67.
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Sicily, Syracuse Ӕ Litra. Time of Hieron II, circa 274-216 BC. Wreathed head of Persephone to left; [ΣYRAKOΣIΩN] before, grape bunch behind / Bull charging to left; club and I above, IE in exergue. Calciati II pg. 345, 191 Ds 65 R1 9; SNG ANS 578-9; HGC 2, 1469. 6.63g, 20mm, 6h.
Good Very Fine.
From a private European collection.
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Sicily, Syracuse under Roman rule Æ 20mm. Pseudo-autonomous issue, circa 1st century BC. Diademed head of Serapis to right, wearing atef crown / ΣYPAKOCIΩN, Isis standing facing, head to left, holding sistrum and sceptre. CNS II, 240; HGC 2, 1478. 7.26g, 20mm, 6h.
Very Fine. Rare.
From a private European collection.
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Sicily, Tauromenion Æ 13mm. Campanian mercenaries. Circa 354-344 BC. Campanian helmet / Monogram within laurel wreath. Castrizio Series I, 2; CNS II, 2-3. 2.03g, 14mm, h.
Very Fine.
From a private European collection.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 134
Sicily, Tyndaris under Roman rule Æ 24mm. Circa 214-200 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / [ΤΥΝΔΑΡΙΤΑΝ], the Dioscuri standing facing, each holding the reins of his horse. Buceti 16; Roma e74, 302. 7.58g, 24mm, 3h.
Near Very Fine. Extremely Rare; one other example on CoinArchives.
From a private European collection.
The land that became the city of Tyndaris was separated from Abakainon, a city of the native Siculi who's territory it was previously a part of, by the Syracusan tyrant Dionysios in 396 BC when he settled the Messenian exiles driven from their homes during the Peloponnesian War on this site. Named by the original Messenian inhabitants after their native deities the 'Tyndariae', who were the son and stepson of the king of Sparta Tyndaris and whom are more often known as the Dioscuri, it is fitting that under Roman rule the coinage should feature the brothers as a reverse type as seen here (cf. Calciati I, 18 & 22) and the city should continue to flourish.
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Illyria, Apollonia AR Drachm. Circa 200-80 BC. Agias, magistrate. Cow standing to left, head reverted, suckling calf; AΓΙAΣ above / Double stellate pattern; AΠOΛ ΕΠI KA-ΔOY around. BMC 15-6; SNG Copenhagen 383. 3.28g, 17mm.
Very Fine; pleasantly toned.
From a private English collection.
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Illyria, Dyrrhachion AR Drachm. Circa 250-200 BC. Kydippos, magistrate, Amyntas, moneyer. Cow standing to right, looking back at suckling calf standing to left below; ΚΥΔΙΠΠΟΣ above, cornucopiae to right, rudder in exergue / Double stellate pattern in double linear square; ΔYP above, AMYNTA around. Maier 108; HCG 3, 40. 3.36g, 20mm, 3h.
Very Fine. Very Rare.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 137
Epeiros, Ambrakia AR Stater. Circa 426-404 BC. Pegasos flying to right, A below / Helmeted head of Athena to right, A to left; all within ivy wreath. Ravel, Colts 75; Pegasi 45 (same dies); HGC 3.1, 201. 7.75g, 24mm, 6h. Fine.
Near Very Fine. Very Rare.
From a private European collection.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 138
Islands off Epeiros, Korkyra Æ 19mm. Time of Pyrrhos of Epeiros, circa 281 BC. Eagle standing to right, head reverted; grape bunch in left field / [KOP], Nike standing to left, holding aphlaston and wreath. SNG Copenhagen 176-7; HGC 6, 92. 4.28g, 19mm, 12h.
Near Very Fine; areas of flat striking.
From a private English collection.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 139
Akarnania, Alyzeia AR Diobol. Circa 420-380 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Kantharos; Δ-I-O around. BCD Akarnania 410; Pozzi 1448 var. (Herakles to left, Thebes in Boeotia); HGC 4, 747. 0.77g, 11mm, 9h.
Near Very Fine. Extremely Rare; only one other example on CoinArchives.
From the collection of Italo Vecchi.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 140
Akarnania, Alyzeia AR Triobol. Circa 400-350 BC. Bearded head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Large T (mark of value) supporting grape bunches on vine. BCD Akarnania 412.2; Savoca Silver 28, 63; HGC 4, 746. 0.73g, 11mm, 3h.
Near Very Fine. Extremely Rare; only two other examples on CoinArchives.
From the collection of Italo Vecchi.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 141
Thessaly, Ekkarra Æ 13mm. Circa 325-320 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to left / EKKAPPEΩN, Artemis standing to left, holding spear. SNG Copenhagen 47; Liampi, Ekkarra 1-52; Rogers 208; BCD Thessaly II 65.1; HGC 4, 1. 1.86g, 13mm, 4h.
Very Fine.
From the inventory of a North American dealer.
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Thessaly, Larissa AR Trihemiobol. Circa 440-400 BC. Bull's hoof to right on the boss of a small round shield, within pelleted border / Diademed bust of long-haired and bearded Asklepios to right; snake to right in right field, ΛΑΡΙ in left field; all in shallow incuse square. BCD Thessaly II 169; HGC 4, 472. 1.13g, 14mm, 3h.
Near Very Fine. Very Rare.
Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Sale 12, 1 November 2014, lot 608.
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Thessaly, Larissa AR Drachm. Circa 380-365 BC. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly to left, with grain ears in hair, wearing pendant earring and necklace / ΛAPIΣAIΩN, mare and foal standing to right. BCD Thessaly II 295 (same rev. die) & 297 (same obv. die). 5.87g, 20mm, 12h.
Very Fine.
From a private Belgian collection.
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Thessaly, Larissa Æ Tetrachalkon. Circa 356-337 BC. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly to left / ΛΑΡΙ-Σ-ΑΙΩ[Ν] (partially retrograde), horse prancing to right; grain ear below. Rogers 279; BCD Thessaly II 387.5; HGC 4, 517. 9.33g, 21mm, 9h.
Good Very Fine.
From the inventory of a UK dealer.
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Thessaly, Larissa Æ Tetrachalkon. Circa 356-337 BC. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly to left / ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΩΝ (partially retrograde), horse prancing to right; grain ear below. Rogers 279; cf. BCD Thessaly II 387.5; HGC 4, 517. 8.42g, 22mm, 3h.
Very Fine.
From the inventory of a North American dealer.
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Thessaly, Magnetes Æ Trichalkon. Circa 150-130 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΜΑΓ[ΝΗ]ΤΩΝ, the Centaur Chiron advancing to right, holding branch over shoulder; thunderbolt to right. BCD Thessaly II 419.8; HGC 4, 66. 5.89g, 17mm, 1h.
Very Fine.
From the inventory of a North American dealer.
Roma Numismatics Ltd. - E-SALE 84 . 147
Thessaly, Phalanna Æ Trichalkon. 4th century BC. Youthful male head to right / Head of nymph to right, wearing pearl necklace and triple pendant earring, hair bound in sakkos; ΦAΛANNAIΩN around. Rogers 452; BCD -; HGC 4, 170. 4.94g, 21mm, 6h.
Good Very Fine.
Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd., E-Sale 22, 28 November 2015, lot 97;
Ex inventory of Italo Vecchi.