Online Coins Auction #57

Date: 2021-11-11

# Items: 2113

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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 256 Numistats ref: 526995

No match
Roman Republic Category
GENS PLAUTIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.63g / 19mm). 47 BC Rome. (FFC 1003; Crawford 453 / 1a). Anv: Head of Medusa from the front, serpents on both sides of the face, below legend: L PLAVTIVS. Rev: Aurora flying and directing the four horses of the chariot of the sun, below legend: PLANCVS. Good Very Fine. Cleaned oxidations. Description
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 773 Numistats ref: 527512

Carlos IV Authority
8 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 901 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 639 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
CARLOS IV (1788-1808). 8 Reales (Ar. 26.55g / 39mm). 1806. Guatemala M. (Cal-2019-901). Very Fine. Oxidations Dark patina. Limited. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
74 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1546 Numistats ref: 528285

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
United States Collection Category
USA. 1 USD (Ar. 26.73g / 38mm) *. 1899. New Orleans O. (Km # 110). MS 64. Encapsulated by PCGS. * Theoretical weight and measure. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
1260 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 276 Numistats ref: 527015

No match
Roman Empire Category
AGRIPPA. As. (Ae. 10.90g / 28mm). 37-41 AD Rome. (RIC 58). Obv: Laureate bust of Agrippa on the left, around legend: M AGRIPPAL F COS III. Rev: Neptune left standing carrying dolphin and trident, between Uncirculated. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 2077 Numistats ref: 528816

No match
Lots and collections Category
Magnificent set of 13 foreign silver coins, 10 from Austria (9 of 100 Schilling and 1 of 50, minted in the 70s of the last century) and 3 pieces of 5 Bolivares from Venezuela (1910, 1911 and 1929). Approximate total weight in silver 305g. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 291 Numistats ref: 527030

No match
Roman Empire Category
NERO. Sestercio Padua type. (Ae. 16.71g / 33mm). 1500-1570 (ca). Anv: Laureate head of Nero on the right, around legend: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM PM TR P IMP P P. Rev: Port of Ostia with seven ships, above lighthouse and below Neptune, above legend: AVGVSTI, below: SPQR OSTC. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 296 Numistats ref: 527035

No match
Roman Empire Category
VESPASIAN. Tetradrachm. (Ar. 14.01g / 27mm). 70-71 AD Antioch. (Prieur 124). Anv: Laureate head of Vespasian on the right, around Greek legend. Rev: Eagle left standing wearing laurel wreath, around Greek legend. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 49 Numistats ref: 526788

No match
Ancient Greek coins Category
KINGS OF PARTIA, Phraates IV. Drachm. (Ar. 3.81g / 21mm). 38-32 BC Laodicea. (Sellwood 52.16). Anv: Diademic head of Phraates IV on the left, behind eagle with laurel crown. Rev: Archer on the right, monogram under the arch, around Greek legend. Almost Extremely Fine. Description
extremely fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1852 Numistats ref: 528591

No match
World coins Category
CZECH REPUBLIC, Wenzel II. Groschen. (Ar. 3.76g / 26mm). 1278-1305. Bohemia, Prague. (Donebauer 807). Almost Extremely Fine. Nice iridescent tone. Description
extremely fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 2112 Numistats ref: 528851

No match
Bibliography Category
BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lot of 30 books on different numismatic topics. TO EXAMINE. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 77 Numistats ref: 526816

No match
Celtiberian coins Category
BILBILIS (Calatayud, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.56g / 27mm). 120-30 BC (FAB-254). Anv: Male head to the right, behind the letter S, in front of the dolphin. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend on line: BILBILIS. Good Very Fine. Description
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1879 Numistats ref: 528618

No match
World coins Category
SARAWAK (State of Malaysia). 50 Cents (Ar. 10.37g / 31mm). 1927. Birmingham H. British Protectorate. Rajah Charles V. Brooke. (Km # 19). Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 358 Numistats ref: 527097

Septimius Severus Authority
Sestertius Denomination
- Year
RIC RIC 690A References
Roman Empire Category
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. Sesterce. (Ae. 16.88g / 29mm). 195 AD Rome. (RIC 690a). Very Fine. Reduced fields. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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3 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 872 Numistats ref: 527611

Fernando VII Authority
1/2 Escudo Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 1486 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 360 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
FERNANDO VII (1808-1833). 1/2 Escudo. (Au. 1.70g / 14mm). 1817. Madrid GJ. (Cal-2019-1486). Good Fine. Description
good fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
111 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1131 Numistats ref: 527870

No match
Medals Category
CARLOS III (1759-1788). Prize of the School of Noble Arts of Sevilla. (Ae. 60.53g / 53mm). 1778. Engraver: A. de Saa. (Vives 53; RAH 317; MHE 368, same issue). Anv: Laureate bust of Carlos III with breastplate, band, mantle and collar of the fleece, around legend: CAROLUS III DG HISP REX. Rev: Personifications of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture, which raise a royal crown, around legend: TRINO RAPTA LABORE, in exergue: HISPAL A 1778. VF +. Scratch. Description
VF Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1142 Numistats ref: 527881

No match
Medals Category
CARLOS IV (1788-1808). Proclamation in Valencia. (Ar., 12.93g / 35mm). 1789. Engraver: M. Peleguer y Tossar. (H-107). Ob: Bust of the king with breastplate, band, cloak and collar of the fleece, around legend: CAROLVS IIII REX CATHOL INAVGVRANTVS, under the bust: MDCCLXXXIX. Rev: Spain standing with the royal banner under a bat and an oval shield with the arms of Valencia, to its right the representation of the Turia with its name on a pole, around the legend: VOTA BONOS DVCIT AD EXITVS, in exergue: VALENTINORVM / FIDES. Extremely Fine. Nice and irregular patina. Limited. Description
extremely fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 148 Numistats ref: 526887

No match
Celtiberian coins Category
MASSALIA IMITATION DIVIDERS. Trietartemorion. (Ar. 0.41g / 10mm). 200-110 BC (FAB-1184 var). Anv: Female head to the right. Rev: Four-spoke wheel, inside them grows, A and M. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 920 Numistats ref: 527659

Isabel II Authority
20 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 591 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 170 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
ISABEL II (1833-1868). 20 Reales. (Ar. 25.97g / 37mm). 1850. Madrid. (Cal-2019-591). Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
103 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 670 Numistats ref: 527409

No match
Spanish Monarchy Category
FELIPE III (1598-1621). 2 Reales. (Ar. 6.87g / 26mm). 161X. Toledo V. (Cal-2019-Type 137). Very Fine. Coinage voids. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1696 Numistats ref: 528435

No match
World coins Category
GREAT BRITAIN, Henry IV. Groat. (Ar. 2.85g / 25mm). 1467-1468. London. (North 1569). Good Very Fine. Nice tone. Description
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
120 EUR Realized
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