Online Coins Auction #57

Date: 2021-11-11

# Items: 2113

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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 316 Numistats ref: 527055

Hadrian Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.2.hdn.381B RIC 381B References
Roman Empire Category
HADRIAN. Denarius (Ar. 3.47g / 19mm). AD 134-168 Eastern mint uncertain. (RIC 381b). Anv: Laureate bust of Hadrian on the right, around legend: HADRIANVS AVGVTVS PP. Rev: Aequitas standing on left holding scale and cornucopia, around legend: PM TR P COS III. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 833 Numistats ref: 527572

Fernando VII Authority
1/2 Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 346 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1297 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
FERNANDO VII (1808-1833). 1/2 Real (Ae. 2.18g / 23mm). 1815. Guyana. (Cal-2019-346). Fine. Description
fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 80 Numistats ref: 526819

No match
Celtiberian coins Category
BOLSCAN (Huesca). Semis. (Ae. 8.99g / 24mm). 180-20 BC (FAB-1918). Anv: Bearded male head to the right, behind dolphin. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, above star, below Iberian legend: BoLSCaN. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 344 Numistats ref: 527083

No match
Roman Empire Category
MARCUS AURELIUS. Denarius. (Ar. 3.60g / 18mm). 154-155 AD Rome. (RIC 463b). Anv: Head of Marcus Aurelius to the right, around legend: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII FIL. Rev: Minerva left standing carrying owl and banner with shield, around legend: TR POT VIIII COS II. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 89 Numistats ref: 526828

No match
Celtiberian coins Category
CAISCATA (Cascante, Navarra). As. (Ae. 10.21g / 19mm). 120-20 BC (FAB-687). Anv: Male head bearded to the right, front Iberian letter Ca, back plowed. Rev: Rider with spear to the right, below Iberian legend: CaISCaTa. Fine. Scarce. Description
fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1372 Numistats ref: 528111

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
United States Collection Category
USA. 1 USD (Ar. 26.73g / 38mm) *. 1878. San Francisco S. (Km # 110). MS 63. Encapsulated by PCGS. * Theoretical weight and measure. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1373 Numistats ref: 528112

USA Authority
Dollar Denomination
- Year
KM 110 References
United States Collection Category
USA. 1 USD (Ar. 26.73g / 38mm) *. 1878. San Francisco S. (Km # 110). MS 62. Encapsulated by PCGS. * Theoretical weight and measure. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1119 Numistats ref: 527858

No match
Contemporary coins Category
JUAN CARLOS I. 4 Excellent. (Ar. 62.00g / 40mm). Re-minting. PROOF. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1897 Numistats ref: 528636

No match
World coins Category
SWITZERLAND. Nice set of 17 coins, most of them 1 Franc in silver, with dates between 1922 and 1982. The set includes a 5 Franc piece from 1922. Different states of preservation. TO EXAMINE. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1130 Numistats ref: 527869

No match
Medals Category
CARLOS III (1759-1788). Real Sevillian Economic Society of Friends of the Country. (Pb. 104.21g / 68mm). 1778. Engraver: A. de Saa. (RAH 315-316 metal variation). Anv: Guadalaquivir represented as an old man leaning to the right with a rudder and a jug from which the water flows towards the cultivated fields, in the background, under a large cloud, two ships sailing under sail, above the legend: BIBE DUM FLUO MOX REFLUAM. Rev: Two spinners and a carding machine with their utensils, in the bottom left, a weaver with his loom in operation, above the legend: DIES ET INGENIUM, in exergue: SOCIET PATR HISPAL / A SAA F MDCC LXXVIII. Very Fine. Strange. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1132 Numistats ref: 527871

No match
Medals Category
CARLOS III (1759-1788). Prize from the Real Sevillian Economic Society of Friends of the Country. (Pb. 41.91g / 40mm). 1778. Engraver: Tomás F. Prieto. (RAH 318 metal variation; MHE 362, same specimen). Anv: Laureate bust of Carlos IV on the left with jacket, band and necklaces of the fleece and of the order of Carlos III, around legend: CAROLVS III CATHOLICVS. Rev: Laurea and pen intertwined, above tape with legend: PRODESSE LABORAT, below on a pedestal inscribed: SOCIETAS OECONOMICA / HISPALENSIS / A DE MDCCLXXVIII. Almost Extremely Fine. Light tap. Description
extremely fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1138 Numistats ref: 527877

No match
Medals Category
CARLOS IV (1788-1808). Voto de los Reyes and Principe Fernando at the Academy of Sevilla. (Gilt bronze. 38.96g / 49mm). 1796. Engravers: Pardo and JBA. (Vives 183). Ob: Bust of Carlos IV with cuirass, cape and fleece, around legend: CAROLVS IV REX CATHOL HISPALI PIVS. Rev: In front of a semicircular arcade, the Kings and Prince of Asturias kneeling before the tomb of San Fernando, around the legend: SOLVTIS CAELESTI NVMINI VOTIS, in exergue: HISPAL SCHOL MDCCLXXXXVI. Good Very Fine. Cleaned. Tapping on the edge. Description
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 890 Numistats ref: 527629

Isabel II Authority
4 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 73 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 517 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
ISABEL II (1833-1868). 4 Maravedís (Ae. 4.70g / 24mm). 1847. Jubia. (Cal-2019-73). Almost Uncirculated. Original Luster . Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1146 Numistats ref: 527885

No match
Medals Category
FERNANDO VII (1808-1833). Restoration of the Constitution of 1812. (Silvered bronze. 71.88 / 50mm). March 7, 1820. Caque and Barre Engravers. (Vives 337 metal variants). Anv: Laureate head of Ferdinand VII on the left, around the legend: FERNANDO VII FOR THE G OF GOD AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE MON KING OF SPAIN AND YND. Rev: Minerva standing to the left carrying spear and shield, uncovering tablets with inscription: CONSTITUCION POLITICA / DE LA MONARQUIA ESPAṄOLA, around the legend: RESTABLISHED BY THE WISDOM OF THE KING AND THE CONSTANCE OF THE NATION, below: MARCH 7, 1820. Good Very Fine.

The popular Constitution of 1812 was proclaimed up to three times. In addition to the one of 12, it was also in 1820 and in a short period in 1836. In this one that concerns us marks the starting gun of the well-known Liberal Triennium and was sworn in by the king, pressured by the social situation of the country, the March 9, 1820. The Constitution established, among other important developments, that sovereignty rested with the nation, not with the king, the separation of powers or indirect universal male suffrage. Only three years later it ceased to have effect, beginning the so-called Ominous Decade.
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 901 Numistats ref: 527640

No match
Spanish Monarchy Category
ISABEL II. Nice set formed by 4 coppers of different values and mints, highlighting two coins of 4 maravedís from Jubia. Different states of conservation. TO EXAMINE. Description
- Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 902 Numistats ref: 527641

Isabel II Authority
Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 285 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 404 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
ISABEL II (1833-1868). 1 Real. (Ar. 1.30g / 15mm). 1860. Barcelona. (Cal-2019-285). Good Extremely Fine. Beautiful iridescent tone. Description
Good Extremely Fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 908 Numistats ref: 527647

Isabel II Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 367 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 363 References
Spanish Monarchy Category
ISABEL II (1833-1868). 2 Reales (Ar. 2.52g / 18mm). 1852. Madrid. (Cal-2019-367). Good Very Fine. Limited. Description
good very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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21 Past auctions
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ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1680 Numistats ref: 528419

No match
World coins Category
FRANCE. 5 Francs (Ar. 24.98g / 37mm). 1851. Paris A. French Republic. (Km # 761.1). Almost Extremely Fine. Marquitas. Cleaned. Description
extremely fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 1689 Numistats ref: 528428

No match
World coins Category
FRANCE. 50 Euro (Ar. 41.00g / 41mm). 2015. Monnaie de Paris. Asterix et la paix. FDC. Includes original case. Description
FDC Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

ibercoin - Online Coins Auction #57 . 411 Numistats ref: 527150

Gordian III Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.gor_iii.63 RIC 63 References
Roman Empire Category
GORDIAN III. Antoninian. (Ar. 4.83g / 22mm). 240 AD Rome. (RIC 63). Anv: Radiated and draped bust of Gordiano III on the right, around legend: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG. Rev: Liberalitas standing on the left carrying abacus and cornucopia, around legend: LIBERALITAS AVG II. Very Fine. Description
very fine Grade
EUR Starting
- Estimate
60 EUR Realized
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16 Past auctions
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