On Line Auction 5

Date: 2019-04-02

# Items: 696

Total starting: 125553

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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 411 Numistats ref: 488730

No match
Carlos IV Category
8 escudos. 1797. México. FM. VI-1333. Pequeñas marcas y vano en rev. MBC. Description
- Grade
900 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 124 Numistats ref: 488219

Antoninus Pius Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.3.ant.44 RIC 44 References
Imperio Romano Category
ANTONINO PÍO. Denario. Roma (139). R/ Modius con espigas y amapola; TR. POT. COS II. RIC-44. CH-834. Cospel abierto. MBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
8 Past auctions
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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 572 Numistats ref: 488475

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
IMPERIO SASÁNIDA. PEROZ (457-483). Dracma. BBA MONIK BACH. AR 4,20 g. EBC-. Description
- Grade
50 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 123 Numistats ref: 488220

Antoninus Pius Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.3.ant.43 RIC 43 References
Imperio Romano Category
ANTONINO PÍO. Denario. Roma (139). A/ Busto desnudo a der. R/ Manos saludándose sosteniendo caduceo alado y dos espigas; TR. P. COS. II. RIC- 43. CH-833. Cospel abierto. MBC. Description
- Grade
80 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
6 Past auctions
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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 571 Numistats ref: 488476

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
IMPERIO SASÁNIDA. PEROZ (457-483). Dracma. BBA MONIK BACH. AR 4,12 g. EBC/EBC-. Description
- Grade
50 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 62 Numistats ref: 492828

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
PERSIA. Reyes aqueménidas (Jerjes II- Artejerjes II). Dárico (420-373 a.C.). A/ Rey persa o héroe arrodillado con lanza y arco. R/ Rectángulo incuso. AU 8,26 g. COP-274/277. SBG-4679. MBC-. Muy escasa. Description
- Grade
800 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 570 Numistats ref: 488477

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
IMPERIO SASÁNIDA. PEROZ (457-483). Dracma. AR 4,23 g. MBC+. Description
- Grade
45 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 61 Numistats ref: 492829

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
NABATEA. Aretas IV y Shaqilath. Unidad (9 a.C.- 40 d.C.). Petra. R/ Cornucopias cruzadas. AE 4,43 g. BMC-14/22. Pátina verde terrosa. MBC. Description
- Grade
50 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 121 Numistats ref: 488222

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de dos sestercios. Aelio. rev.: PANNONIA. RIC-1053; Faustina hija. Rev.: FECVND. AVGVSTAE. RIC-1635. BC/RC. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 569 Numistats ref: 488478

No match
Juan Carlos I Category
50 pesetas. 1984. VII-483. EBC. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 120 Numistats ref: 488223

No match
Imperio Romano Category
ADRIANO. Sestercio. Roma (125-128). R/ Roma sentada a izq. con victoria y cornucopia. RIC-636. Leves erosiones en rev. Pátina verde. BC+/BC-. Description
- Grade
80 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 406 Numistats ref: 488735

No match
Carlos IV Category
8 reales. 1791. Potosí. PR. VI-810. Rayita de acuñación en anv. MBC-/MBC. Description
- Grade
85 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 59 Numistats ref: 492831

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
CAPADOCIA. Ariobarzanes I. Dracma (68-67 a.C.). R/ Atenea sosteniendo a Nike. AR 3,63 g. SBG-7302. BC+. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 119 Numistats ref: 488224

No match
Imperio Romano Category
ADRIANO. Denario. Roma (134-138). R/ La Piedad sentada a izq. sosteniendo pátera y cetro; PIETAS AVG. RIC-260. CH-1037. Ligeramente abrillantado. MBC/MBC-. Description
- Grade
60 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 405 Numistats ref: 488736

No match
Carlos IV Category
8 reales. 1807. México. TH. VI-805. Oxidaciones. MBC. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 118 Numistats ref: 488225

No match
Imperio Romano Category
ADRIANO. Denario. Roma (134-138). R/ Creciente y 7 estrellas; COS IIII. RIC-202. SB-4636. Rozadura en rev. MBC/MBC-. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 57 Numistats ref: 492833

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
BÓSFORO. Pantikapoion. AE-24. (S. IV a.C.). A/ Cabeza de Pan con corona de hiedra a izq. R/ Arco y flecha, PANT. SNG-BM Mar Negro 868. Trazas de limpieza mecánica. NGC ch AU. EBC-. Ex CNG IX/2011, lote 2. Description
- Grade
225 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 56 Numistats ref: 492834

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
ASIA MENOR. IONIA. ERYTHRAI. Hecte (550-500 a.C.). A/ Cabeza de Heracles con piel de león a izq. R/ Cuatripartito incuso. AU 2,57 g. SNG KAYHAN-737/8. Pequeñas grietas. MBC-. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 116 Numistats ref: 488227

No match
Imperio Romano Category
TRAJANO. Sestercio. Roma (103-111). A7 cabeza laureada a der.; IMP. CAES. NERVAE TRAIANO AVG. GER. DAC. P.M. TR. P. COS. V P.P.P. r/ La Victoria a der. sosteniendo escudo con ley. VIC. DAC. sobre tronco de palmera; S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI. RIC-527. CH-452. Pátina verde irregular. MBC+/EBC-. Description
- Grade
800 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 55 Numistats ref: 492835

No match
Grecia Antigua Category
IONIA. Erythrai. Hecte (550-500 a.C.). A/ Cabeza de Heracles con piel de león a izq. R/ Cuatripartito incuso. AU 2,51 g. COP-no. SNG KAYHAN-737/8. Algo descentrada. MBC+. Description
- Grade
200 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found