On Line Auction 5

Date: 2019-04-02

# Items: 696

Total starting: 125553

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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 594 Numistats ref: 488453

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS ITALIANOS. Colonia Eritrea. Taler de convención a nombre de Maria Teresa. 1780. Acuñada en Roma (1935). EBC+. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 85 Numistats ref: 492805

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 3 tetradracmas de vellón. Alejandría. Caro (2) y Maximiano. MBC/MBC+. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 593 Numistats ref: 488454

No match
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS ITALIANOS. Carlo Emmanuelle III. Cerdeña. Escudo de 6 liras. 1758. DAV-1494. C-20. MBC-. Description
- Grade
350 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 144 Numistats ref: 488199

Severus Alexander Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.sa.335 RIC 335 References
Imperio Romano Category
JULIA MAMEA, madre de Alejandro Severo. Denario. Roma (228). R/ FELICITAS PVBLICA. RIC-335. SB-17. Cospel abierto. MBC+/MBC. Description
- Grade
60 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
88 Past auctions
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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 83 Numistats ref: 492807

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 3 tetradracmas. Antioquía. Caracalla, Trajano Decio y Filipo II. De MBC a EBC-. Description
- Grade
225 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 143 Numistats ref: 488200

Severus Alexander Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.sa.346 RIC 346 References
Imperio Romano Category
JULIA MAMEA. Madre de Alejandro Severo. Denario. Roma (231). A/ Busto diademado y drapeado a der. R/ La Piedad a izq. con pátera sobre el altar; PIETAS AVGVSTAE. RIC-346. CH-48. Pequeña grieta. MBC+. Description
- Grade
55 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
11 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
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Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 591 Numistats ref: 488456

USA Authority
20 Dollars Denomination
- Year
KM 131 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 20$. 1927. Filadelfia. KM-131. EBC. Description
- Grade
1100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
45 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 429 Numistats ref: 488712

No match
Fernando VII Category
8 maravedís. 1817. Jubia. VI-205. Rugosidades. MBC. Description
- Grade
45 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 82 Numistats ref: 492808

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 3 sestercios diferentes (Julia Mamea, Filipo I y Gordiano III) y un as de República Romana. Total: 4 piezas. RC/BC+. Description
- Grade
60 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 142 Numistats ref: 488201

Severus Alexander Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.sa.343 RIC 343 References
Imperio Romano Category
JULIA MAMEA, madre de Alejandro Severo. Denario. Roma (222). A/ Busto drapeado a der. R/ Juno a izq. con pátera y cetro; pavo a sus pies. RIC-343. SB-35. MBC. Description
- Grade
55 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
140 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 590 Numistats ref: 488457

USA Authority
20 Dollars Denomination
- Year
KM 131 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 20$. 1924. Filadelfia. KM-131. EBC. Description
- Grade
1100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
45 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 428 Numistats ref: 488713

No match
Fernando VII Category
8 maravedís. 1816. Jubia. VI-204. MBC. Description
- Grade
45 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 81 Numistats ref: 492809

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 4 sestercios diferentes. Maximino I, Julia Mamea, Filipo I y Alejandro Severo. BC-/BC+. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 589 Numistats ref: 488458

USA Authority
20 Dollars Denomination
- Year
KM 127 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 20$. 1908. Filadelfia. KM-127. EBC-. Description
- Grade
1100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
9 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 80 Numistats ref: 492810

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 4 sestercios diferentes. Faustina madre, Filipo I, Alejandro Severo y Gordiano III. BC-/BC. Description
- Grade
75 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 140 Numistats ref: 488203

No match
Imperio Romano Category
ALEJANDRO SEVERO. Sestercio. Roma (231-235). R/ La Esperanza avanzando a izq. con flor; SPES PVBLICA, S.C. RIC-648. CH-547 vte. Pátina oscura. MBC. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 588 Numistats ref: 488459

USA Authority
20 Dollars Denomination
- Year
KM 74.3 References
Monedas Extranjeras Category
ESTADOS UNIDOS. 20$. 1896. Filadelfia. KM-74.3. Pequeñas marcas en gráfila. EBC-/EBC. Description
- Grade
1100 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
65 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

All grades
Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 79 Numistats ref: 492811

No match
Imperio Romano Category
Lote de 5 sestercios diferentes. Marco Aurelio, Otacilia Severa, Faustina madre, Filipo I y Gordiano III (acuñación provincial). De RC a BC+. Description
- Grade
80 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 425 Numistats ref: 488716

No match
Fernando VII Category
4 maravedís. 1830. Segovia. VI-189. MBC. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Jesús Vico - On Line Auction 5 - 138 Numistats ref: 488205

No match
Imperio Romano Category
ALEJANDRO SEVERO. Sestercio. Roma (225). R/ Alejandro Severo a izq. con pátera sacrificando sobre altar. P.M. TR. P. IIII COS. P. P. S.C. RIC-437. CH-278. MBC-. Description
- Grade
65 EUR Starting
- Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

Authority:Severus Alexander
Obverse Type:Bust of Severus Alexander, laureate, draped, right
Reverse Legend:P M TR P IIII COS P P S C
Reverse Type:Severus Alexander, veiled, togate, standing left, sacrificing at a lighted altar, holding roll in right hand
RIC ric.4.sa.437 RIC 437 See coin