Date: 2020-02-05

# Items: 641

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 341 Numistats ref: 444528

Reyes Católicos Authority
Excelente Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 649 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 131 References
Fernando e Isabel / Catholic Kings (1474-1504) Category
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 1 excelente. Segovia. P. (Cal 2008-131). (Tauler-72). Anv.: +QVOS:DEVS:CONIVNGIT:HOMO:NON:SEP. Bustos enfrentados, encima acueducto, debajo P. . Rev.: FERNANDVS:ET:ELISABET:. Escudo. Au. 3,47 g. Busts facing, “aqueduct” mint mark above and assayer “P” below on obverse. No more than 4 specimens known with this Assayer. Extremely rare. Choice VF. Est...3500,00. Description
VF Grade
2000 EUR Starting
3500 EUR Estimate
2500 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 342 Numistats ref: 444527

Reyes Católicos Authority
Doble Excelente Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 727 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 72 References
Fernando e Isabel / Catholic Kings (1474-1504) Category
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). Doble excelente. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-72). (Tauler-186 var.). Anv.: +:FERNANDVS:ET:ELISABET:D:G:REX:ET:REI:. Bustos enfrentados, entre ellos, arriba roel y debajo S sobre estrella de 8 puntas. Rev.: :SVB:VNBRA:ALARVM:TVARVMD:. Águila de San Juan sobre escudo. Au. 6,95 g. Annulet above and “S” over eight pointed star below. Rare with this legends. Almost XF/XF. Est...2000,00. Description
XF Grade
1200 EUR Starting
2000 EUR Estimate
1800 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 343 Numistats ref: 444526

Reyes Católicos Authority
Doble Excelente Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 733 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 74 References
Fernando e Isabel / Catholic Kings (1474-1504) Category
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). Doble excelente. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-74 variante). (Tauler-194). Anv.: Cruz entre cuatro puntos. Debajo S entre puntos. Leyenda comienza con cruz de San Andrés. FERNANDVS:ELISA:FERDI:GRA:. Rev.: Escudo conr águila de San Juan. : SVB: VMBRA:ALARVM:TV. Letras"enes" invertidas y simbolo similar a una "S" en separaciones. Au. 6,93 g. Parsley leaf between four dots above the busts. “S” with three dots between busts. Letters “N” inverted. Rare. Choice VF. Est...1800,00. Description
VF Grade
1500 EUR Starting
1800 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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42 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 344 Numistats ref: 444525

Reyes Católicos Authority
Doble Excelente Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 748 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 97 References
Fernando e Isabel / Catholic Kings (1474-1504) Category
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). Doble excelente. Toledo. (Cal 2008-97). (Tauler-279). Anv.: +FERNANDVS·ET·hELISAB·DEI·GRATIA:REX·ET·RE. Bustos enfrentados sin marcas. Rev.: SVBVNBRA:ALARVN:TVARVM:PROTEGE·NOS:SVB. Águila de San Juan sobre escudo flanqueado por cruz de cinco puntos y T. Au. 6,92 g. Without marks between busts. Arms flanked by cross of dots and “T”. Minor area of weak strike, otherwise beautiful color. Rare. Almost XF. Est...2300,00. Description
XF Grade
1700 EUR Starting
2300 EUR Estimate
2000 EUR Realized
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13 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 345 Numistats ref: 444524

No match
Fernando II / Ferdinand II (1479-1516) Category
Ferdinand II (1479-1516). Doble ducado. Valencia. (Cal 2008-16). (Tauler-395 variante). Anv.: +FERDINANDVSxDEI GRACIAxRE. Las letras D son G invertidas. Rev.: +VALENCIExMAIO (escudete) RICARVMxSER. La letra S rectifiacada sobre una V. Au. 6,93 g. The letters “D” are “G” inverted on obverse. The letter “S” rectified over “V”. Area of weak strike on obverse, otherwise rare. Almost VF/Choice VF. Est...1700,00. Description
VF Grade
1000 EUR Starting
1700 EUR Estimate
1000 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 346 Numistats ref: 444523

No match
Carlos-Juana / Charles-Joanna (1504-1555) Category
Charles-Joanna (1504-1555). 2 reales. México. R (Rincón). (Cal 2008-107). Anv.: Armas coronadas de Castilla y León, a cada lado M gótica entre puntos. Rev.: Colunas de Hércules con PLVSVLT en cartela. Ag. 6,89 g. Crowned arms between gothic “M” with dots. Assayer “R”, gothic letter of Francisco del Rincón. Very rare issue. Choice VF. Est...1500,00. Description
VF Grade
1000 EUR Starting
1500 EUR Estimate
2200 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 347 Numistats ref: 444522

No match
Carlos-Juana / Charles-Joanna (1504-1555) Category
Charles-Joanna (1504-1555). 4 reales. 1547. Zaragoza. CA. (Cal-134, mismo ejemplar de la nueva edición 2019). (Cal 2008-100). (Cal 2019-3127). (Cy). Anv.: +IOANA: ET KAROLVS: REX: ARAGONVN. Escudo de Aragón coronado, a los lados R - IIII superado de roel. . Rev.: TROPEA:RENVN: ARAGONVN: 1547. Escudo cuartelado con cuatro cabezas de reyes moros, timbrado por cruz patada flanqueada por cuatro roeles, a los lados del escudo C-A. Ag. 13,45 g. Ex Áureo&Calicó - Selección 258 (2014), Lote 137. Calicó 2019 plate coin. Crowned arms of Aragon between “R” and “IIII” over annulet. Quartered arms with four heads of Moorish kings, over cross adorned with four annulets, on its sides “C” - ”A”. Big flan of 8 reales. Beautiful specimen of superb style, perhaps the best of the 3 specimens known. Of the highest rarity. AU. Est...40000,00. Description
- Grade
30000 EUR Starting
40000 EUR Estimate
32000 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 348 Numistats ref: 444521

No match
Carlos-Juana / Charles-Joanna (1504-1555) Category
Charles-Joanna (1504-1555). 1 escudo. Sevilla. Estrella. (Cal 2008-57). (Tauler-24). Au. 3,33 g. Arms between “S” and star. Sloppy strike, otherwise choice very fine. Choice VF. Est...600,00. Description
choice very fine Grade
400 EUR Starting
600 EUR Estimate
600 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 349 Numistats ref: 444520

No match
Carlos I / Charles I (1516-1556) Category
Charles I (1516-1556). 1 real. Navarre. (Cru-1323). (Cal-120). Anv.: Armas de Navarra entre K-K góticas coronadas. Rev.: Cruz dentro de orla lobulada con F en el 1º y 4º cuadrante y corona en el 2º y 3º. Ag. 2,38 g. Arms of the kingdom of Navarra between gothics crowned “K” - “K”. Cross within lobed frame with “F” in the 1st and 4th quadrant and crowns in the 2nd and 3rd. Clipped, otherwise very rare. Choice VF. Est...450,00. Description
VF Grade
200 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
420 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 350 Numistats ref: 444519

Carlos I Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 92 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 34 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 35 References
Carlos I / Charles I (1516-1556) Category
Charles I (1516-1556). 2 reales. Valencia. (Cal 2008-35). Anv.: Escudete con corona en leyenda. Rev.: Escudete con león en leyenda. Ag. 5,03 g. Escutcheon with crown in legend on obverse and escutcheon with lion on reverse. Full legends, on reverse ends in SARD. Very scarce. VF. Est...450,00. Description
VF Grade
350 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 351 Numistats ref: 444518

No match
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 1/2 real. (Cal 2008-no cita). (Cal 2019). Ag. 1,01 g. Without castles and lions on reverse. Unlisted by Calico´s 2008 and 2019 editions. VF. Est...500,00. Description
VF Grade
250 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
280 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 352 Numistats ref: 444517

Felipe II Authority
Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 209 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 629 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 630 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 1 real. Lima. R (Rincón). (Cal 2008-630). Ag. 3,50 g. Round struck and full legends. Assayer “R” (Rincón) to the left of arms. Rare. Choice VF. Est...275,00. Description
VF Grade
180 EUR Starting
275 EUR Estimate
1500 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 353 Numistats ref: 444516

Felipe II Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 307 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 2 reales. Burgos. (Cal 2008-454 variante). (Cal 2019-307 variante). Ag. 6,05 g. Mint mark “B” between annulets on the left. Annulet, value and crescent on the right. Frame of dots on obverse. Extremely rare and unlisted variety by Calicó 2019. VF. Est...600,00. Description
VF Grade
300 EUR Starting
600 EUR Estimate
540 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 354 Numistats ref: 444515

Felipe II Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 411 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 541 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 2 reales. 1590. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-541). Ag. 6,78 g. “Square d” assayer. Visible part of the king’s name and full date. VF. Est...120,00. Description
VF Grade
70 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
170 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 355 Numistats ref: 444514

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 478 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 287 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. Cuenca. A. (Cal 2008-287). Ag. 13,41 g. Arms flanked between value (IIII) on the left; star over cup, and cross over “A” on the right. Lions and castles instead of castles and lions. Toned. Very rare. Choice VF. Est...1700,00. Description
VF Grade
1200 EUR Starting
1700 EUR Estimate
1400 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 356 Numistats ref: 444513

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 485 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 298 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. 1590. Granada. F. (Cal 2008-298). Ag. 13,46 g. Full date. Minimum oxidations on obverse, otherwise very rare. VF. Est...300,00. Description
VF Grade
220 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
240 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 357 Numistats ref: 444512

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 525 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 314 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 315 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 342 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 343 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 344 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. Potosí. B (Juan de Ballesteros Narváez). (Cal 2008-344). Ag. 13,36 g. Assayer “B” (Juan de Ballesteros Narváez). The “P” of Potosi open, and roman number value, annulet above. Six fleur-de-lis on Old Burgundy arms. Unusual piece with almost full legends. Choice VF. Est...300,00. Description
VF Grade
150 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
400 EUR Realized
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15 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 358 Numistats ref: 444511

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 539 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 356 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. 1591. Segovia. I. (Cal 2008-356). Ag. 13,52 g. Full date of four digits to the right of the arms. Rare. Choice VF. Est...300,00. Description
VF Grade
150 EUR Starting
300 EUR Estimate
420 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 359 Numistats ref: 444510

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 580 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 395 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. 1589. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-395 mismo ejemplar (anv.)). (Cal 2019). Ag. 13,61 g. Ex Colección Isabel de Trastámara 26/05/2016, nº 510. Calicó 2008 and 2019 plate coin. Date with two digits below the value on the right side of the arms. Planchet crack. Very scarce. VF. Est...275,00. Description
VF Grade
200 EUR Starting
275 EUR Estimate
300 EUR Realized
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9 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 360 Numistats ref: 444509

Felipe II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 607 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 415 References
Felipe II / Philip II (1556-1598) Category
Philip II (1556-1598). 4 reales. 1591. Toledo. M. (Cal 2008-415). Ag. 13,48 g. Full date at the beginning of the legend on obverse. Rare. VF. Est...400,00. Description
VF Grade
200 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
220 EUR Realized
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Price recommendation