Date: 2020-02-05

# Items: 641

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 316
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique II (1368-1379). Novén. León. (Bautista-680 variante). Rev.: ENRICVS REX LEG. Ve. 0,79 g. Mint mark “L” below the castle and legend variety on reverse. Almost XF. Est...100,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 317
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan I (1379-1390). Blanca. Burgos. (Bautista-723). 1,51 g. “B” and “S” mint mark variety due to a big size. Choice VF. Est...175,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 318
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Dobla de la banda. Sevilla. (Bautista-791). Anv.: +IOH(ANES·D)EI·GRACIA·REX·LEGIONI. Rev.: +IOHANES·DEI·GRACIA·REX·CASTE. Au. 4,52 g. Mint mark “S” above on reverse. Choice VF/Almost XF. Est...1100,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 319
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). Dobla de la banda. Burgos. (Bautista-787.1 variente). Anv.: + IOhANES :DEI :GRACIA :REX :CASTELE:. Escudo sin leones acotando la banda. Rev.: +IOhANES :DEI :GRACIA :REX :CASTELE :E:.Cuartelado de castillos y leones. Au. 4,53 g. Without mentioning Kingdom of Leon and without lions on arms. Rare. Choice VF. Est...2000,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 320
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Juan II (1406-1454). 1/6 de real. Sevilla. (Bautista-805). Ag. 1,04 g. “S” below the castle. Choice VF. Est...120,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 321
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 real. Burgos. (Bautista-885.2). Anv.: +ENRICVS:DEI GRA:REX:CASTEL. Rev.: +ENRICVS:REX:CASTGELLE:E LEGIO. Ag. 3,28 g. Dot behind the bust. Round frame on obverse and lobed on reverse. Scarce. Almost XF. Est...320,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 322
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 real. Toledo. (Bautista-887.7 variante). (Abm-694 variante, señala RRR). Anv.: +ENRICS·QVARTVS·DEI·GRAC. Rev.: +ENRICS·DEI·GRACIA·REX·CA. Ag. 3,29 g. Round frame and multilobed on reverse. The reverse legend start at 9 o’clock. Without letter “V” of ENRICVS and letter “A” inverted of QVARTVS. Only three specimens known, but none of them with the reverse legend starting at 9 o’clock. Extremely rare. Choice VF. Est...1000,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 323
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 real. Segovia. (Bautista-905.1). Ag. 2,87 g. “Bowl” mint mark on reverse. VF. Est...250,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 324
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 real. Sevilla. (Bautista-894.1 variante). Anv.: +ENRICVS QVARTVS DEI GRACIA REX. Rev.: +ENRICVS REX CASTELLE ET LEGIONIS. Ag. 3,38 g. Letter “S” of LEGIONIS rectified over other “S”. Lobed frames and legends separated by stems. Sharply and round struck. AU. Est...500,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 325
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 real. Cuenca. (Bautista-904.3 variante). Anv.: VINCIT XPS REGINA XPS IXPS. Rev.: +ENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX CA. Ag. 3,34 g. The legend on obverse starts with REGINA instead of a cross. “Bowl” mint mark and “C” on reverse. Very rare. Beatutiful tone. Choice VF. Est...350,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 326
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1/2 real. Toledo. (Bautista-919). Ag. 1,60 g. Round frame on obverse and lobed on reverse. Mint mark “T” below the castle and crowned anagram “EN”. Choice VF. Est...300,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 327
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1/2 real. Segovia. (Bautista-933). Ag. 1,53 g. “Aqueduct” mint mark on reverse. Round frame and legends separated by rosettes. Very scarce. Choice VF. Est...175,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 328
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). 1 maravedí. Burgos. (Bautista-958.2 variante de leyenda). Anv.: +ENRICVS:QVARTVS:DEI:GRA. Rev.: +ENRICVS:REX:CASTELLE:E. Ae. 3,41 g. Mint mark “B” below the castle. Good struck and green patina. XF. Est...180,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 329
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). Cuartillo. ¿Ciudad Rodrigo?. (Bautista-1011 variante). (Abm-753.1 variante). Anv.: Con florones a los+ENRICVS:DEI:GRACIA:REX:L. Rev.: ENRICVS:CAROVS:DEI:GRAI. Ve. 3,44 g. Variety of legend and grenades in field of obverse. Very rare. VF. Est...500,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 330
Kingdom of Castille and Leon. Enrique IV (1454-1474). Cuartillo. Valladolid. (Bautista-1027.2, mismo ejemplar). (Abh-758.2). Ve. 2,96 g. Bautita’s catalogue plate coin. Radiated dots on each side of the castle. Very rare. Choice F. Est...400,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 331
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 2 maravedís. Cuenca. (Cal 2008-no cita). (Rs-429). Ae. 4,94 g. “Cow’s head” mint mark. Round struck and full legends. Rare. XF. Est...450,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 332
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 4 maravedís. Cuenca. (Cal 2008-562 variante). (Rs-324). Anv.: Castillo entre A - C. Rev.: C encima del león, A debajo. Ae. 5,99 g. Castle between “A” - “C”. Rare. Choice VF. Est...90,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 333
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 4 maravedís. Cuenca. (Cal 2008-567). (Rs-291). Au. 8,09 g. Magnificent specimen with full flan and cup between stars at the beginning of the legend. AU. Est...180,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 334
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 1 real. Toledo. Anterior a la Pagmática. (Cal 2008-401 variante). Anv.: FERNANDVS:ET hELISABEB:DE. Escudo de Castilla y León con T debajo. Cabeza de águila de San Juan mirando a derecha. Rev.: DOMINVS:MIChI:ADIVTOR:· Escudo de Aragón y Sicilia. Ag. 3,34 g. Before The Pragmatica of 1497. Very rare with “BEB” at the end of the legend, even more with the eagle’s head looking left. XF/AU. Est...1600,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 335
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 2 reales. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-270). Ag. 6,65 g. Ex Colección Javier Verdejo 19/10/2017, lote 27. Round flan. Rare. VF. Est...300,00.
Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 336
Catholic Kings (1474-1504). 4 reales. Sevilla. (Cal 2008-211). Ag. 13,61 g. “Square d” assayer on reverse. Full legends. Choice VF. Est...350,00.