Date: 2020-02-05

# Items: 641

Total starting: 540459

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 261 Numistats ref: 444407

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Valens. Silicua. 368-375 d.C. Treveri. (Spink-19675). (Ric-27b). Rev.: VRBS ROMA. Roma sentada en trono a izquierda con Victoria sobre globo y descansando en cetro, debajo TR PS (punto). Ag. 2,08 g. Light toning. AU. Est...160,00. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
160 EUR Estimate
160 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 262 Numistats ref: 444406

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Honorius. Sólido. 402-403 d.C. Mediolanum. (Spink-20916). (Ric-1206). (Ch-44). Anv.: DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Busto diademado y revestido a derecha. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Emperador con lábaro y Victoria pisando un cautivo, en el campo M-D. Au. 4,48 g. XF. Est...900,00. Description
XF Grade
600 EUR Starting
900 EUR Estimate
840 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 263 Numistats ref: 444405

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Honorius. Sólido. 405-406 d.C. Ravenna. (Spink-20919). (Ric-1287). Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. El emperador con estandarte y Victoria sometiendo a un cautivo. Au. 4,44 g. Almost XF. Est...650,00. Description
XF Grade
400 EUR Starting
650 EUR Estimate
680 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 264 Numistats ref: 444404

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Valentinian III. Sólido. 450-455 d.C. Ravenna. (Spink-21265). (Ric-2011). Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Valentiniano de frente con cruz larga y Victoria sobre globo pisando la cabeza de una serpiente, en exergo COMOB y en el campo R-V. Au. 4,44 g. XF. Est...900,00. Description
XF Grade
500 EUR Starting
900 EUR Estimate
780 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 265 Numistats ref: 444403

No match
Roman Imperial Category
León I. Sólido. 457-473 d.C. Constantinople. (Spink-21404). (Ric-605). Anv.: D N LEO PERPET AVG. Busto de frente con coraza, casco, lanza y espada. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Victoria en pie con cruz, en exergo CONOB. Au. 4,45 g. Almost XF/Choice VF. Est...450,00. Description
VF Grade
300 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
400 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 266 Numistats ref: 444402

No match
Roman Imperial Category
Aelia Verina. Tremissis. 457-474 d.C. Constantinople. (Ric-615). (Depeyrot-96/1). Anv.: AEL VERINA AVG. Busto perlado y drapeado a derecha. Rev.:  Cruz dentro de una corona; en exergo, CONOB *. Au. 1,42 g. Rare. Almost XF. Est...3000,00. Description
XF Grade
1800 EUR Starting
3000 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 267 Numistats ref: 444401

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Anastasius. Sólido. 491-518 d.C. Constantinople. (S-5). (Ratto-321). Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG I / CONOB. Victoria en pie a izquierda con cruz larga, estrella en el campo. Au. 4,46 g. Original luster. Magnificent specimen. Slabbed by NGC as Ch MS, strike: 5/5, surface: 4/5. Est...800,00. Description
- Grade
500 EUR Starting
800 EUR Estimate
780 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 268 Numistats ref: 444400

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Anastasius. Sólido. 491-518 d.C. Constantinople. (S-5). (Ratto-321). Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG S/A / CONOB. Victoria en pie a izquierda con cruz larga, estrella en el campo. Au. 4,50 g. Original luster. Magnificent example. Slabbed by NGC as Ch MS, Strike: 5/5, Surface: 4/5. Est...800,00. Description
- Grade
500 EUR Starting
800 EUR Estimate
660 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 269 Numistats ref: 444399

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Justinian I. Sólido. 527-565 d.C. Constantinople. Oficina B. (Bc-140). Anv.: D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG. Busto con casco, armadura y globo crucífero. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG B. Ángel en pie de frente, en exergo CONOB. Au. 4,47 g. Almost XF. Est...400,00. Description
BC- Grade
275 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
380 EUR Realized
Match manually

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 270 Numistats ref: 444398

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Justinian I. Tremissis. 527-565 d.C. Constantinople. (Bc-145). Anv.: D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG. Busto de Justiniano a derecha. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM. Victoria avanzando a derecha con corona y globo crucífero, estrella a la derecha. Au. 1,50 g. Original luster. XF. Est...600,00. Description
BC- Grade
350 EUR Starting
600 EUR Estimate
350 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 271 Numistats ref: 444397

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Justin II. Sólido. 565-578 d.C. Constantinople. (Bc-364a). Anv.: DN IVSTINVS PP AVI. Busto de Justino II de frente con Victoria sobre globo y escudo adornado con figura de jinete. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGGG. Constantinópolis sentada de frente con globo crucífero, exergo CONOB. Au. 4,44 g. Double strike. Big flan. XF. Est...500,00. Description
BC- Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
600 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 272 Numistats ref: 444396

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Tiberius II Constantine. Sólido. 578-582 d.C. Constantinople. 2ª oficina. (S-422). (Ratto-919). Rev.: VICTORI AAVGG B / CONOB. Cruz sobre pedestal de cuatro escalones. Au. 4,43 g. Beautiful specimen. Almost UNC. Est...750,00. Description
- Grade
500 EUR Starting
750 EUR Estimate
540 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 273 Numistats ref: 444395

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Mauricius Tiberius. Sólido. 582-602 d.C. Constantinople. (Bc-476). Anv.: D N MAVRC TIB P P AVG. Mauricio de frente con corona y globo crucifero. Rev.: VICTORIA AVGG / CONOB. Ángel en pie de frente con bastón rematado en cris y globo crucífero. Au. 4,47 g.  Minor area of weak strike, otherwise extremely fine. XF. Est...500,00. Description
extremely fine Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
380 EUR Realized
Match manually

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 274 Numistats ref: 444394

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Mauricius Tiberius. Sólido. 668-685 d.C. Constantinople. Oficina B. (Sear-1360). Anv.: Busto coronado y drapeado de frente con lanza y escudo. Rev.: Cruz sobre tres escalones. Au. 4,39 g. Almost XF. Est...500,00. Description
XF Grade
300 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
560 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 275 Numistats ref: 444393

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Focas. Sólido. Constantinople. Oficina Γ. (Bc-620). Anv.:  D N FOCAS PERP AVG. Busto de Focas de frente con globo crucífero. Rev.:  VICTORIA AVGG. Ángel en pie de frente con bastón rematado en cris y globo crucífero. Au. 4,51 g.  Original luster remaining. AU. Est...450,00. Description
BC- Grade
275 EUR Starting
450 EUR Estimate
400 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 276 Numistats ref: 444392

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Constans II. Sólido. 641-688 d.C. Constantinople. Oficina Γ. (Bc-957). Anv.: D N CONSTANTINVS P P AVG. Busto de Constans II barbado de frente con globo crucífero. Rev.:  VICTORIA AVG. Cruz sobre tres escalones, en exergo CONOBI. Au. 4,44 g.  Minor area of weak strike. Toned. XF. Est...400,00. Description
BC- Grade
275 EUR Starting
400 EUR Estimate
400 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 277 Numistats ref: 444391

No match
Bizantine Empire Category
Romanos III Argyros. Histamenon. (1028-1034). Constantinople. (Sear-1819). Anv.: Christ on the throne. Rev.: Mary crowning the emperor. Au. 4,41 g. Good struck. Scarce. XF. Est...1000,00. Description
good Grade
500 EUR Starting
1000 EUR Estimate
580 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 278 Numistats ref: 444390

No match
Visighotic Coins Category
Tremissis. Without mint mark. (Cnv-3.3 variante). Anv.: IIIVSTI / IIIAVAC. Busto a derecha. Vestido con gran manto con cruz. Rev.: CLIVVI/GILDIREGIS. Victoria a derecha. Con corona en la mano. 1,28 g. Without mint mark. We believe the letters “C” that appears at the beginning and end of the legend on the front are ornaments of the mantle. These are the first Spanish coins in which the name of a monarch appears. Very rare. XF. Est...1600,00. Description
XF Grade
1250 EUR Starting
1600 EUR Estimate
1700 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 279 Numistats ref: 444389

No match
Visighotic Coins Category
Recaredo I (586-601). Tremissis. Emerita (Mérida). (Cnv-106.2). (Pliego-116). Anv.: +RECCAREPVSREX+. Rev.: +EMERI|T|APIVS. Au. 1,54 g. Well-centered struck. Scarce. Almost XF. Est...900,00. Description
XF Grade
600 EUR Starting
900 EUR Estimate
640 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - FLOOR AUCTION 50 - 280 Numistats ref: 444388

No match
Visighotic Coins Category
Sisebuto (612-621). Tremissis. Ispali (Sevilla). (Cnv-219.23). Anv.: +·SISEBVTVSRE·. Rev.: +ISPALIPIVS. Au. 1,50 g. Wavy flan. AU. Est...500,00. Description
- Grade
375 EUR Starting
500 EUR Estimate
420 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found