E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee

Date: 2020-07-14

# Items: 729

Total starting: 32513

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3006 Numistats ref: 435302

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Egipto Ptolemaico. Ptolomeo II Philadelphos. AE Hemidracma. 249 a.C. Tyre. (Sng Cop-494). Ae. 10,73 g. MBC. Est...100,00. Description
- Grade
60 EUR Starting
100 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3016 Numistats ref: 435292

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Pamfilia. Aspendos. Estátera. 465-430 a.C. (Sng France-12). Anv.: Guerrero avanzando a derecha, tocado de casco con cresta y sosteniendo escudo y lanza. Rev.: Arriba: EΣTFΔII, debajo: tisquel y león aizquierda, todo dentro de cuadrado incuso. Ag. 10,81 g. Golpe de cizalla. Muy escasa. BC+. Est...120,00. Description
- Grade
80 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3291 Numistats ref: 435419

No match
AL Andalus Coinage / Monedas de Al Andalus Category
Almorávides. Abu Bequer. Quirate. 480-488. Segilmesa. (Vives-1443). Ag. 0,91 g. MBC+. Est...120,00. Description
- Grade
90 EUR Starting
120 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3010 Numistats ref: 435298

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Lidia. Tralleis. Cistóforo. 155-145 d.C. (Gc-4746). (Sng Cop-657). Anv.: Cista mística con serpiente dentro de corona de yedra. Rev.: Carcaj entre dos serpientes. Ag. 12,31 g. MBC+. Est...125,00. Description
- Grade
100 EUR Starting
125 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
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Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3617 Numistats ref: 435989

No match
Low Countries / Países Bajos Category
Países Bajos. 1 ducado. 1659. Gelderland. (Km-47.1). (Dav-4890). Ag. 28,03 g. MBC-. Est...150,00. Description
- Grade
120 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3002 Numistats ref: 435306

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Campania. Neapolis. Didracma. 450-340 d.C. (Gc-299). (Sng Ans-373). Ag. 7,01 g. MBC+/BC+. Est...150,00. Description
- Grade
130 EUR Starting
150 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3139 Numistats ref: 435371

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Marco Aurelio. Phoenicia, Byrtus. AE 26. 162-163 d.C. (Gic-1711). (Sng Cop-103). Ae. 14,71 g. Marco Aurelio y Lucio Vero. BC+. Est...180,00. Description
- Grade
150 EUR Starting
180 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3644 Numistats ref: 435962

No match
Switzerland / Suiza Category
Suiza. 2 francos. 1862. Berna. B. (Km-10a). Ag. 9,99 g. MBC+. Est...200,00. Description
- Grade
160 EUR Starting
200 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3207 Numistats ref: 435502

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Filipo I. Tetradracma. 245-245 d.C. Alejandría. (Spink-9090). Rev.: Victoria a derecha con palma y corona, en el campo LS. Ae. 11,66 g. Escasa. BC+. Est...220,00. Description
- Grade
180 EUR Starting
220 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3444 Numistats ref: 435716

Gobierno Provisional Authority
2 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 24 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 6 References
Contemporary Coins / Monedas Contemporáneas Category
Gobierno Provisional (1868-1871). 2 pesetas. 1870*18-70. Madrid. SNM. (Cal 2019-24). Ag. 10,19 g. EBC. Est...275,00. Description
- Grade
230 EUR Starting
275 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
33 Past auctions
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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3468 Numistats ref: 435692

Alfonso XIII Authority
2 Pesetas Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 86 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 33 References
Contemporary Coins / Monedas Contemporáneas Category
Alfonso XIII (1886-1931). 2 pesetas. 1894*18-94. PGV. (Cal 2019-86). Ag. 5,07 g. Golpecitos en el canto. Limpiada. EBC-. Est...600,00. Description
- Grade
450 EUR Starting
600 EUR Estimate
EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
133 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3554 Numistats ref: 435822

No match
Finland / Finlandia Category
Finlandia. 1 markka. 1967. (Km-49). Ag. 6,53 g. SC. Est...5,00. Description
- Grade
1 EUR Starting
5 EUR Estimate
6 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3393 Numistats ref: 435517

Fernando VI Authority
Maravedí Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 19 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 717 References
Ferdinand VI / Fernando VI (1746-1759) Category
Fernando VI (1746-1759). 1 maravedí. 1747. Segovia. (Cal-19). Ae. 1,06 g. BC+. Est...9,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
9 EUR Estimate
6 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
63 Past auctions
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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3380 Numistats ref: 435530

Felipe V Authority
Maravedí Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 42 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1943 References
Philip V / Felipe V (1700-1746) Category
Felipe V (1700-1746). 1 maravedí. 1718. Barcelona. (Cal-42). Ae. 2,06 g. BC. Est...9,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
9 EUR Estimate
6 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
13 Past auctions
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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3407 Numistats ref: 435769

Carlos IV Authority
4 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 61 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1519 References
Charles IV / Carlos IV (1788-1808) Category
Carlos IV (1788-1808). 4 maravedís. 1807. Segovia. (Cal-61). Ae. 4,80 g. BC+. Est...10,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
10 EUR Estimate
6 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
14 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3553 Numistats ref: 435823

No match
Philipinnes / Filipinas Category
Filipinas. 50 centavos. 1918. San Francisco. S. (Km-171). Ag. 9,88 g. Administración Americana. Rayas y golpe. Limpiada. Rayas. MBC-. Est...10,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
10 EUR Estimate
6 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3530 Numistats ref: 435846

No match
Ceylan Category
Ceylan. Victoria. 50 cents. 1853. (Km-96). Ag. 5,65 g. MBC-. Est...10,00. Description
- Grade
6 EUR Starting
10 EUR Estimate
7 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3536 Numistats ref: 435840

No match
Cuba Category
Cuba. 1 peso. 1997. (Km-612). Cu-Ni. 25,96 g. Visita del Papa a Cuba. SC. Est...9,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
9 EUR Estimate
8 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3405 Numistats ref: 435771

Carlos IV Authority
4 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 59 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1517 References
Charles IV / Carlos IV (1788-1808) Category
Carlos IV (1788-1808). 4 maravedís. 1805. Segovia. (Cal-59). Ae. 4,97 g. BC+. Est...10,00. Description
- Grade
5 EUR Starting
10 EUR Estimate
8 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
2 Past auctions
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Price recommendation

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Average starting of the coin is Subscribe to see average starting price
Average realized of the coin is Subscribe to see average realized price

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3606 Numistats ref: 436000

No match
Morocoo / Marruecos Category
Marruecos. 2 mazunas. 1321 H. (Km-Y15.1). Ae. 1,86 g. Golpeada. MBC-. Est...12,00. Description
- Grade
8 EUR Starting
12 EUR Estimate
8 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found