E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee

Date: 2020-07-14

# Items: 729

Total starting: 32513

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3059 Numistats ref: 435249

No match
Ancient Hispania / Hispania Antigua Category
Kelse. As. 120-50 a.C. Velilla del Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-771). (Acip-1480). (C-9). Anv.: Cabeza masculina a derecha rodeada de tres delfines. Rev.: Jinete con palma a derecha,debajo sobre línea leyenda ibérica KELSE. Ae. 16,05 g. BC+. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
34 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3558 Numistats ref: 435818

No match
France / Francia Category
Francia. Obispado de Valence. Dinero. S. XII-XIII. Anónimo. Ag. 0,83 g. MBC+. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
30 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
34 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3125 Numistats ref: 435385

Trajan Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.2.tr.119 RIC 119 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Trajano. Denario. 108-109 d.C. Roma. (Ric-119). Anv.: Busto laureado y drapeado a derecha. Rev.: La Equidad sentada a izquierda. Ag. 3,21 g. Oxidaciones en reverso. MBC+/MBC. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
25 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
34 EUR Realized
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47 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3227 Numistats ref: 435483

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Severina. Denario. 274-275 d.C. Roma. (Spink-11710). (Ric-6). Rev.: VENVS FELIX. Venus en pie a izquierda con ¿manzana? y cetro. Ae. 2,67 g. Concreciones. MBC+/MBC. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3222 Numistats ref: 435487

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Claudio II El Gótico. Antoniniano. 268-270 d.C. Roma. (Ric-261c). Rev.: CONSEGRATIO. Altar. 2,41 g. MBC. Est...45,00. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
45 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3273 Numistats ref: 435437

No match
AL Andalus Coinage / Monedas de Al Andalus Category
Emirato. Al Hakam I. Dirham. 200 H. Al Andalus. (V-107). Ag. 2,48 g. MBC+. Est...45,00. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
45 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3645 Numistats ref: 435961

No match
Switzerland / Suiza Category
Suiza. 5 francos. 1941. Berna. B. (Km-44). Ag. 14,93 g. 650º Aniversario de la Confederación Helvética. Mínimo golpecito en el canto. Bonita pátina en anverso. SC-. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3513 Numistats ref: 435863

No match
Belgium / Bélgica Category
Bélgica. Leopoldo II. 5 francos. 1876. (Km-24). Ag. 24,93 g. MBC+. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
35 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
35 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3704 Numistats ref: 435903

No match
Large Lots / Lotes y colecciones Category
Checoslovaquia. Lote de 2 monedas de plata de 50 y 100 koronas, la primera dedicada a Lenin en 1970 y la segunda dedicada a Marx en 1983. Km 70 y 108. A EXAMINAR. SC. Est...20,00. Description
- Grade
10 EUR Starting
20 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3437 Numistats ref: 435723

Isabel II Authority
4 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 469 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 310 References
Elizabeth II of Spain / Isabel II (1833-1868) Category
Isabel II (1833-1868). 4 reales. 1864. Madrid. (Cal-469). Ag. 5,09 g. BC+. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
27 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3320 Numistats ref: 435640

No match
Medieval Coins / Época Medieval Category
Reino de Castilla y León. Juan I (1379-1390). Blanca Agnus Dei. Toledo. (Bautista-731.1). Ve. 1,79 g. Y coronada entre T-O y T delante del cordero. Golpes. MBC. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3181 Numistats ref: 435329

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Gordiano III. Antoniniano. 241-243 d.C. Roma. (Spink-8615). Rev.: IOVI STATORI. Júpiter en pie a derecha con cetro y haz de rayos. Ag. 4,00 g. MBC+. Est...30,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3176 Numistats ref: 435334

Gordian III Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.gor_iii.51 RIC 51 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Gordiano III. Antoniniano. 239-241 d.C. Roma. (Spink-8601). (Ric-51). Rev.: AEQVITAS AVG. Aequitas en pie a izquierda con balanza y cuerno de la abundancia. Ag. 4,09 g. MBC. Est...30,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
12 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3282 Numistats ref: 435428

No match
AL Andalus Coinage / Monedas de Al Andalus Category
Emirato. Abderrahman II. Dirham. 237 H. Al Andalus. (V-214). Ag. 2,64 g. MBC-. Est...30,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3188 Numistats ref: 435322

Gordian III Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.gor_iii.92 RIC 92 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Gordiano III. Antoniniano. 241-242 d.C. Roma. (Spink-8646). (Ric-92). (Seaby-253). Rev.: P M TR P IIII COS II P P. Gordiano en pie a derecha, vestido con indumentaria militar, con globo y lanza transversal. Ag. 3,97 g. EBC-/MBC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
36 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3436 Numistats ref: 435724

Isabel II Authority
2 Reales Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 367 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 363 References
Elizabeth II of Spain / Isabel II (1833-1868) Category
Isabel II (1833-1868). 2 reales. 1852. Madrid. (Cal 2019-367). Ag. 2,54 g. MBC-. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
38 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
21 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3399 Numistats ref: 435511

Carlos III Authority
1/2 Real Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 150 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1726 References
Charles III / Carlos III (1759-1788) Category
Carlos III (1759-1788). 1/2 real. 1762. Madrid. JP. (Cal-150). Ag. 1,27 g. MBC-. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
12 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
38 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
12 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3034 Numistats ref: 435274

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Reino de Tracia. Lisímaco. AE 16. 305-281. (Gc-6825 variante). (Sng Cop-1149 variante). Ae. 3,16 g. MBC+. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
38 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3162 Numistats ref: 435348

Severus Alexander Authority
Denarius Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.sa.85 RIC 85 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Alejandro Severo. Denario. 228 d.C. Roma. (Spink-7906 variante). (Ric-85). (Seaby-351). Rev.: P M TR P VI COS II P P. Marte avanzando a derecha con lanza y trofeo. Ag. 2,72 g. BC+. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
38 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
15 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3654 Numistats ref: 435952

No match
Turkey / Turquía Category
Turquía. Muhammad V. 10 kurush. 1327/9 (1917). (Km-772). Ag. 23,85 g. MBC+. Est...30,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
30 EUR Estimate
38 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found