E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee

Date: 2020-07-14

# Items: 729

Total starting: 32513

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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3379 Numistats ref: 435531

No match
Charles II / Carlos II (1665-1700) Category
Carlos II (1665-1700). Jetón de proclamación. 1666. Amberes. (Dugn-4231). Ag. 5,37 g. BC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3022 Numistats ref: 435286

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Tesalia. Larissa. AE-17 (dichalkon). S. IV a. C. (Sng Cop-142). Ae. 4,66 g. MBC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3367 Numistats ref: 435543

Felipe IV Authority
8 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 346 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1410 References
Philip IV / Felipe IV (1621-1665) Category
Felipe IV (1621-1665). 8 maravedís. 1622. Madrid. (Cal 2019-346). (Jarabo-Sanahuja-F95). Ae. 7,62 g. MBC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
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9 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3360 Numistats ref: 435550

Felipe IV Authority
2 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 153 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 1555 References
Philip IV / Felipe IV (1621-1665) Category
Felipe IV (1621-1665). 2 maravedís. 1623. Segovia. (Cal 2019-153). (Jarabo-Sanahuja-F243). Ae. 2,19 g. MBC-. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
5 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3179 Numistats ref: 435331

Gordian III Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.4.gor_iii.140 RIC 140 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Gordiano III. Antoniniano. 243-244 d.C. Roma. (Spink-8607). (Ric-140). Rev.: FELICIT TEMP. Felicitas en pie a izquierda con largo caduceo y cuerno de la abundancia. Ag. 4,78 g. MBC. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
19 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3164 Numistats ref: 435346

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Alejandro Severo. Denario. 228 d.C. Roma. (Spink-7906). (Ric-83). Rev.: P M TR P VII COS II PP. Marte avanzando a derecha con lanza y trofeo. Ag. 2,42 g. Oxidaciones. MBC-. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3145 Numistats ref: 435365

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Julia Domna. Denario. 198 d.C. Laodicea. (Spink-6586). (Ric-639). (Seaby-72). Rev.: HILARITAS. Hilaritas en pie a izquierda con palma y cuerno de la abundancia. Ag. 3,77 g. MBC-. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3136 Numistats ref: 435374

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Faustina Madre. Denario. 147 d.C. Roma. (Spink-4578). (Ric-351). Rev.: AETERNITAS. Aeternitas, de pie, de frente, con globo en su mano derecha y un velo, inflado por el viento, en torno a su cabeza. Ag. 3,23 g. BC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3707 Numistats ref: 435900

No match
Large Lots / Lotes y colecciones Category
Francia. Lote de 2 piezas de "La Monnaie de Paris" de 1985 de 10 y 100 francos. Con su certificado y caja original. A EXAMINAR. SC. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3467 Numistats ref: 435693

Alfonso XIII Authority
Peseta Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 56 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 41 References
Contemporary Coins / Monedas Contemporáneas Category
Alfonso XIII (1886-1931). 1 peseta. 1896*18-96. Madrid. PGV. (Cal 2019-56). Ag. 4,98 g. Golpecitos en el canto. MBC+. Est...35,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
35 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
173 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3169 Numistats ref: 435341

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Alejandro Severo. Sestercio. 225 d.C. Roma. (Spink-7990 variante). Rev.: Alejandro Severo togado en pie a izquierda realizando sacrificio sobre altar. Ae. 19,65 g. BC. Est...40,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
40 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3588 Numistats ref: 435788

No match
Italy / Italia Category
Italia. Ducado de Lucca. Henry III-V. Denaro. (1039-1125). (Biaggi-1056-1058). Anv.: IHPERΛTOR, alrededor de un gran monograma H. Ve. 0,79 g. MBC. Est...45,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
45 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3692 Numistats ref: 435914

No match
Large Lots / Lotes y colecciones Category
Lote de 4 carteras Juan Carlos I, 3 pruebas numismáticas de la FNMT años 1976,1977 y 1979 y 1 serie numismática 1980. A EXAMINAR. SC. Est...50,00. Description
- Grade
20 EUR Starting
50 EUR Estimate
20 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3357 Numistats ref: 435553

Felipe III Authority
2 Maravedís Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 183 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 802 References
Philip III / Felipe III (1598-1621) Category
Felipe III (1598-1621). 2 maravedís. 1602. Segovia. C. (Cal 2019-183). (Jarabo-Sanahuja-C40). Ae. 2,56 g. BC+. Est...18,00. Description
- Grade
10 EUR Starting
18 EUR Estimate
21 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
10 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3442 Numistats ref: 435718

Gobierno Provisional Authority
50 Céntimos Denomination
- Year
Aureo-Calicó (2019) 13 Aureo-Calicó (2008) 18 References
Contemporary Coins / Monedas Contemporáneas Category
Gobierno Provisional (1868-1871). 50 céntimos. 1869*6-9. Madrid. SNM. (Cal 2019-13). Ag. 2,31 g. BC. Est...15,00. Description
- Grade
10 EUR Starting
15 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
74 Past auctions
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Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3252 Numistats ref: 435458

No match
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Constans. Centenional. 348-350 d.C. Siscia. (Ric-241). Rev.: FEL TEMP REPARATIO. Fenix a derecha radiado sobre pila de piedras, debajo HSIS, seguido de símbolo. Ae. 2,23 g. Defecto an anverso. EBC-. Est...20,00. Description
- Grade
10 EUR Starting
20 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3005 Numistats ref: 435303

No match
Greek Coins / Grecia Antigua Category
Caria. Rodas. Didracma. 340-275 a.C. (Seaby-5037). Ag. 6,07 g. BC. Est...20,00. Description
- Grade
10 EUR Starting
20 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3541 Numistats ref: 435835

No match
Slovakia / Eslovaquia Category
Eslovaquia. 20 Koruna. 1941. (Km-7.1). Ag. 15,00 g. Golpecito en el canto. SC. Est...20,00. Description
- Grade
12 EUR Starting
20 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
Match manually

Proposed matches

No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3426 Numistats ref: 435734

No match
Elizabeth II of Spain / Isabel II (1833-1868) Category
Isabel II (1833-1868). Medalla de proclamación. 1833. Madrid. (H). Ag. 1,45 g. 14 mm. Módulo de 1/2 real. MBC+. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
Match manually

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No potential matches found

Tauler&Fau Subastas - E-Auction 63 – Only 10% Buyer´s Fee - 3217 Numistats ref: 435492

Gallienus Authority
Antoninianus Denomination
- Year
RIC ric.5.gall(2).575 RIC 575 References
Roman Imperial / Imperio Romano Category
Galieno. Antoniniano. 266-267 d.C. Siscia. (Spink-300). (Ric-575). Rev.: PAX AVG. 3,35 g. Restos de plateado original. MBC+/MBC. Est...25,00. Description
- Grade
15 EUR Starting
25 EUR Estimate
22 EUR Realized
0 Upcoming auctions
13 Past auctions
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